Using Siebel Tools > Working with Objects >

About the Validate Dialog Box

The Validate dialog box describes the results of validation rules applied to objects and shows the location of the validation log file.

Figure 20 shows an example of the Validate dialog box.

Figure 20. Validate Dialog Box
Click for full size image

Table 29 describes the Errors area of the Validate dialog box.

Table 29. User Interface Elements of the Errors Area of the Validate Dialog Box

Errors list

Displays the results of the validation process. Each row in the list identifies a rule violation for a specific object. To drill down on the object that contains the error, double click the error. To sort the rows, click a column heading. To resize columns, drag the right or left border of the heading cell.

Severity column

An icon appears in this column for each violation row. It indicates whether the violation is a warning (yellow icon with an exclamation mark) or an error (red icon with a minus sign). Errors cause the compiled application to generate run-time errors.

Rule column

An integer value appears in this column, identifying the rule that has been violated. Rules are listed in order of the rule number in the Validation Options dialog box (shown in Figure 20).

Object column

The name of the object that failed validation.

Description column

The description of the error or warning.

Details text box

Displays additional information about the error or warning message for the currently selected row in the Errors list.

Go To button

To navigate to the corresponding object in the Object List Editor, select an error message row and click Go To. Alternatively, you can double-click the error message.

Table 30 describes the Log file area of the Validate dialog box.

Table 30. User Interface Elements of the Log file Area of the Validate Dialog Box

Text box

Path and filename of a log file containing the list of validation errors and warnings. To save a list of validation rows as a log file, click Save As, navigate to where you want to save the file, and then specify a filename. You can then reload the list of error and warning validations at a later time by using the Load button, rather than by repeating the validation process.

Load button

Opens a previously saved log file and displays its list of validations in the Errors list.

Save As button

Saves the current list of validation rows as a log file.

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