Using Siebel Tools > Working with Objects >

Using Queries to List Objects

You can use query-by-example (QBE) to narrow the list of objects displayed in the Object List Editor. An Object List Editor query searches for objects based on values in one or more properties of the object. The queries can be simple, one-condition queries or compound, multiple-condition queries. You can create, refine, and activate queries from the Query menu or from the List toolbar. (Refine means to impose a further restriction on the current Object List Editor query by running it again with an additional constraint.)

To create and execute an Object List Editor query

  1. Navigate to the list of objects that you want to query.
  2. Choose Query > New Query.

    In the Object List Editor, a single empty query row appears.

  3. Define your search criteria in the property cells of the empty query row.

    These values may be single literal values such as Opportunity List Applet, or they may include wildcard symbols. In TRUE/FALSE properties, a check mark represents TRUE.

  4. Choose Query > Execute Query.

    The list of objects in the Object List Editor is filtered to contain only those objects that meet your query criteria.

To restore the Object List Editor to its prequery state

  1. Choose Query > New Query.

    In the Object List Editor, a single empty query row appears.

  2. Choose Query > Execute Query.

    The list of objects in the Object List Editor is restored to its prequery state.

Related Topics

About Simple Queries

About Compound Queries

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