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About Compound Queries

Compound queries enable you to find information based on two or more conditions. There are three ways to create compound queries:

  • Enter conditions in two or more property columns to find records that meet all the conditions. In other words, Siebel applications automatically connect these conditions with the operator AND. This method is the easiest way to create a compound query.
  • Enter a compound query within a property field using the operators OR, AND, and NOT to create two or more conditions for that property.
  • Enter a compound query using more than one field and compound operators AND, OR, and NOT. You can enter this type of query in any field. You might find it convenient to use the Description or Comments field, because it is typically the longest on a given screen.

When you create a compound query, follow the same basic steps you use to create a simple query.

Use parentheses to control the order in which a compound search is conducted. Expressions inside parentheses are searched for first (as they appear left to right). Table 35 lists the unique operators for compound queries. Use these operators in addition to the operators you use to create a simple query.

Table 35. Compound Query Operators


All the conditions connected by ANDs must be true for a search to retrieve a record.


At least one of the conditions connected by the OR must be true for a search to retrieve a record.


The condition modified by this operator must be false for a search to retrieve a record.

For more information about compound operators, see Siebel Developer's Reference.

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