Using Siebel Tools > Working with Strings and Other Locale-Specific Data > Running the String Consolidation Utility >

Splitting Consolidation Export Files into Smaller Files

When an export file is generated, you can split up into smaller, more manageable files. This is beneficial if you have exported a large number of symbolic strings and wish to import them in parallel running applications.

To split the consolidation export files into smaller files

  • Launch consoleapp.exe as described in Parameters for Running consoleapp.exe to Consolidate Strings and use the SplitFile business service method with the parameters listed in Table 48.

    For example:


    Table 48. Parameters for the SplitFile Business Service Method



    Export file



    Approximate number of lines in each file. The application does not break up a set of symbolic strings, so the exact number of lines may not match the value specified with this parameter.

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