Using Siebel Tools > Working with Strings and Other Locale-Specific Data > Using Batch Files to Convert and Consolidate Strings >

Conversion Batch File

The parameters for running the conversion batch file, strconv.bat, are listed in Table 50.

Example: strconv "Object_Type" Action User_ID Password

CAUTION:  To ensure that the batch file functions properly, your Siebel Tools installation path must be enclosed in quotes if it contains spaces.

Table 50. Batch File Parameters for Running Conversion Export


Conversion export, file split, and import batch file.


Object type to be converted, for example Applet, Control, or List Column.


The options are export or import. When set to export, the conversion process will export all convertible locale records. When set to import, the conversion process will import the file or files designated by the Object_Type parameter.


The user name used to log in to the Siebel application.


The user's password.

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