Using Siebel Tools > Working with Strings and Other Locale-Specific Data >

Checking In and Checking Out Symbolic Strings

The Symbolic String project is very large. Due to its size, checking in or checking out the entire project can be very time consuming. Thus it is not recommended that you check out the entire Symbolic String Project, rather, create a new project, and store all new or modified strings in that project.

When you want to add and work on new strings, create a new project (for example, CompanyXYZ New Symbolic String project) and put all your new strings in that project.

NOTE:  When you create strings, they will be prefaced with the value specified in the tools.cfg file under the SymStrPrefix attribute. This value is set to X_ by default. For example, if you create a new symbolic string called NewString it will appear as X_NewString.

To modify existing strings within the Siebel repository, (denoted by the "SBL_" prefix in the Symbolic String Name attribute), create a new project (for example, CompanyXYZ Modified SBL_ Symbolic String project), select the strings you wish to modify, and put them into the new project you just created. This work can be facilitated by selecting the strings, then filtering out the strings you want to modify. You can then make a global change to the project attribute with the Change Records command on the Edit menu.

CAUTION:  Modifying display values for Siebel-shipped ("SBL_" prefixed strings) must be carefully considered as the display values are used globally across the Siebel user interface. For monolingual deployments, you risk modifying parts of the user interface you may not intend to modify. For multilingual deployments, you risk breaking associations between display values across languages. For this reason, it is recommend that you create a new Symbolic String with your desired text value as opposed to modifying existing strings.

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