Using Siebel Tools > Working with Strings and Other Locale-Specific Data >

Creating Symbolic Strings

You create new symbolic strings in Siebel Tools. Symbolic strings created by Siebel are included in the Symbolic Strings project. It is recommended that you create a new project to hold all custom symbolic strings.

NOTE:  To be able to create symbolic strings, the EnableToolsConstrain parameter in the tools.cfg file must be set to FALSE.

To create a symbolic string

  1. Check out the project in which you want to create the Symbolic String.
  2. Navigate to the Symbolic Strings object type.
  3. In the Object List Editor, create a new record using the following table to complete the necessary fields.


    Unique name of the symbolic string. Siebel Tools enforces a predefined prefix for the symbolic string name, such as X_. This helps you distinguish custom symbolic strings from those created by Siebel (SBL_). The value used for the prefix is defined in the SymStrPrefix parameter in the tools.cfg file.

    Current String Value

    Calculated value based on the current Tools language mode and the String Value property of the corresponding child Symbolic String Locale object.


    Description of the symbolic string.

    NOTE:  Trailing spaces, including full-width (Zenkaku) spaces in Japanese, will be truncated automatically.

Related Topic

Setting the Constrain Mode for Working with Symbolic Strings

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