Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide > Assignment Methodology, Strategies, and Scenarios > Examples for Using Delegated Assignment >

Delegated Assignment Example 1: Assignment Administrator Tasks

This example is one of the topics for Examples for Using Delegated Assignment.

The assignment administrator (AA) makes sure that large leads go to internal sales reps (by way of Lance, VP Direct Sales) and small leads go to channel partners (by way of Henry, VP Channel Sales).

Tasks for the assignment administrator

  1. Create a root-level rule group.

    In this example, Amy organizes her assignment rules into a logical grouping—rules that route leads are in one rule group.

    For information about how to create a root-level rule group, see Creating Assignment Rule Groups.

  2. Create a child rule group (or groups) with the root-level rule group as the parent.

    In this example, Amy creates two rules groups as follows:

    • Rule Group 1 with Owner = Lance
    • Rule Group 2 with Owner = Henry

      This allows Henry and Lance the ability to manage their own lead assignment rules for their subordinates.

      For information about how to create a child rule group, see Creating Child Assignment Rule Groups.

  3. Create an assignment rule (or rules).
    1. Add a new assignment rule.
    2. Assign candidates to the rule.

      For information about adding candidates to assignment rules, see Adding Employees, Positions, and Organizations to Assignment Rules.

    3. Add criteria templates (templated criteria) to the rule.

      NOTE:  It is recommended that assignment administrators create criteria templates to assist DAs in rule creation. This reduces the need for DAs to fully understand the steps required and implications of creating new logic.

      For information about adding criteria templates to assignment rules, see Adding Criteria Templates to Assignment Rules.

    4. Add owners of the child rule groups to the inheritance access list for the assignment rule.

      After owners are added to the inheritance access list, inheritors of those rules can refine and specialize the rules by adding criteria and candidates for their unique circumstances.

      For information about adding owners to the inheritance access list for an assignment rule, see Adding Owners to the Inheritance Access List.

      In this example, create the following assignment rules to route leads to Lance and Henry.

      Assignment Rule 1
      Assignment Rule 2

      Add criteria

      Leads > $100k

      Leads < $100k

      Assign candidates

      Lance (VP Direct Sales)

      Henry (VP Channel Sales)

      Add owners to inheritance access list



      This makes sure that large leads are managed by internal sales and smaller leads are managed by partners.

  4. (Optional) Create additional criteria templates (templated criteria).
    1. Create new criteria for the assignment rule.
    2. Click the Template flag for each new criteria created.

      In this example, use the following criteria.

      Add to Rule
      Assignment Rule 1
      Assignment Rule 2

      Templated Criteria 1

      Product Line= Servers


      Templated Criteria 2

      Product Line = PCs


      Templated Criteria 3

      Product = Notebooks

      State = NY, CT, NJ

      Templated Criteria 4

      Product = Desktops

      State = WA, CA, OR, NV

      Templated Criteria 5

      Product = Peripherals


      This allows Lance and Henry the ability to refine rules with predefined criteria instead of creating new criteria.

Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide