Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide > For Administrators: Administering Workflow Processes > Administering Workflow Processes in the Run-Time Client >

About Workflow Process Monitoring

This release provides extended process monitoring and error notification, as well as improved execution tracing. There are two views you can use to monitor workflow processes:

Workflow Instance Monitor View

Use this view to see the history of all workflow process instances in all states, as well as step instances and aggregate data. When the Monitoring flag is set for a deployed workflow process definition, the workflow process instance remains in the Workflow Instance Monitor view after it has completed and is no longer visible in the Workflow Instance Admin view. The Workflow Instance Monitor view provides a log of workflow instances.

From the application-level menu, choose Navigate > Site Map > Administration - Business Process > Workflow Instance Monitor.

The top applet in this view lists workflow definitions.

NOTE:  The top applet shows the workflow definitions for all workflow processes that have monitoring turned on, that is, the Monitoring Level is not NONE.

The other applets in this view are the following:

  • Process Instances. This applet shows the related log instances for the selected workflow process.
  • Step Instances. This applet shows the steps and process properties for the selected process instance.
  • Aggregate Data. This applet shows aggregate data as a chart view for the selected workflow process.

NOTE:  Depending on the monitoring level set for the selected workflow process, you may see no records in the Step Instances and Aggregate Data applets.

Workflow Instance Admin View

Use this view for monitoring running workflow processes. This view shows all processes that are in running, waiting, and error states and that have persistence set. Persistence is set if the workflow process has a Wait step or the workflow's Auto Persist flag is checked (for 7.0 workflows).

From the application-level menu, choose Navigate > Site Map > Administration - Business Process > Workflow Instance Admin.

The top applet in this view lists all workflow process instances that are running, in an error state, or in a waiting state.

The other applets in this view are the following:

  • Related Instances. This applet shows the associated processes for the selected parent workflow process—subprocesses and error processes.
  • Process Properties. This applet shows the process properties for the process instance selected in the Related Instances applet. You can change the value of these process properties before resuming an instance that is waiting or in an error state.

Information on workflow process monitoring and administration is organized as follows:

Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide