A - B - C - D - E - F - I - L - M - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - W


account views

about   1

accessing   1


account hierarchy example (diagram)   1

account hierarchy, creating   1

account hierarchy, description   1

account hierarchy, reviewing   1

account hierarchy, viewing as organization chart   1

account hierarchy, viewing list of child accounts   1

account views, accessing   1

agreement for an account, viewing   1

business scenario   1

class, description and example   1

class, different information displayed   1

classes, list of   1

creating an account   1

customer portal view, accessing   1

defined   1

equipment, adding installed or planned   1

information, about accessing and end-user views   1

telecommunications-related infrastructure, adding   1

usage detail, viewing information on   1


trouble tickets, adding activity to   1

activity plan

trouble tickets, associating with   1

work order, associating with   1


revalidating   1

validating   1

address profile

address, revalidating   1

address, validating   1

creating and updating   1

description   1

adjustment requests

outcome, viewing   1

overview   1

viewing history of   1

administrator procedures

agreement template, verifying   1

agreements, adding   1

agreements, adding items to and generating a total   1

Auto Document feature, setting up template for   1

document, creating and printing   1

administrators, roles and responsibilities, table of   1

agreement library, description   1


about using   1

agreement details, examining in Explorer   1

agreement records, adding   1

agreement template, verifying   1

agreements library   1

Auto Document feature, setting up template for   1

business scenario, commercial customer   1

business scenario, residential customer   1

contracts, defined   1

defined   1

document, creating and printing   1

entitlements, relationship with   1

library for agreements   1

master agreements, about   1

modifying an agreement   1

order, associating agreement with   1

relationships among agreements, about   1

sales agreements   1

service agreements   1

service item, associating with   1

service level agreements   1

subagreements, about   1

terms, adding to and generating a total   1

types of   1


about using   1

business scenario   1

change request, adding associated with an asset   1

components, viewing associated with   1

creating assets   1

defined   1

hierarchical information, viewing for an asset   1

primary asset, associating related assets with   1

service points and service information, viewing   1

service request, adding associated with asset   1

transaction, creating for   1

Auto Document feature

agreement template, verifying   1

template, setting up for   1

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batch assignment, about   1


about using   1

adjustment for an entire invoice, requesting   1

adjustment invoice for invoice line item, requesting   1

adjustment outcome terms, recording customer's decision   1

billing adjustments, customer requests for   1

billing information, about accessing   1

billing information, sequence for accessing   1

Billing Portal view, about   1

Billing Portal view, accessing   1

Billing Portal view, views (table)   1

billing profile, updating   1

business scenario   1

duplicate invoice, requesting   1

invoice history, viewing   1

invoice line items, viewing   1

Invoice views, accessing   1

invoice, viewing the image of   1

Invoices views, about   1

outstanding balance, about entering payment against   1

payment against multiple invoices, recording   1

payment against one invoice, recording   1

payment history, viewing   1

payment outcome terms, recording customer's decision   1

payment, recording at the account level   1

unbilled charges, viewing   1

usage details, viewing   1

billing adjustments

account adjustments, requesting   1

billing adjustments, about   1

Billing Aggregator Class, description   1

Billing Class, description   1

Billing Portal view

about   1

accessing view   1

views, table of   1

billing profile

description   1

end-user procedures, about and fields (table)   1

payment information, adding to   1

business services, description   1

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change request

asset, adding associating with an asset   1

Communication Order Processing module, about   1

Communication Work Orders module, about   1


business scenario   1

contact, adding   1

contact-related activities, setting up   1

contract profile, adding information to   1

defined   1

email, about sending mail to   1

opportunities, about associating with   1

sequence of procedures example, diagram   1

trouble ticket, associating with   1

contract profile, adding information to   1


See About Agreements and Entitlements in Siebel Communications

credit alerts

account adjustment, associating with credit alert   1

activities, associating with credit alerts   1

adding and reviewing, about   1

adjustment outcome, associating with credit alert   1

communication with customer, about   1

defined   1

internal credit alert, creating   1

repayment plans, associating   1

types of credit alerts   1

credit check, running   1

credit management

adjustment outcome, viewing   1

business scenario   1

credit alert, about reviewing and adding   1

credit alert, defined   1

credit checks, running   1

credit scores   1

credit thresholds, breach of   1

customer decision, submitting   1

internal credit alert, creating   1

repayment plans   1

task list   1

third-party credit system integration   1

credit scores, displaying   1

credit threshold, breach of   1

customer accounts

associating infrastructure items, about   1

description   1

My Account view, field descriptions   1

Customer class, description   1

customer portal view, accessing   1

customer profile

description   1

end-user procedures, about   1

customer satisfaction surveys

about   1

conducting   1

customer service representative

profiles, roles and responsibilities   1

roles and responsibilities, table of   1

CUT Get Account Data workflow process   1

CUT Get Phone Number Data workflow process, steps   1

CUT Get Sales Order Data workflow process, steps   1

CUT Get Trouble Ticket Data workflow process, steps   1

CUT Get Work Order Data workflow process, steps   1

CUT Receive Account Data workflow process, steps   1

CUT Receive Credit Alert Data workflow process, steps   1

CUT Receive Fraud Alert Data workflow process, steps   1

CUT Receive Phone Number Data workflow process, steps   1

CUT Receive Sales Order Data workflow process, steps   1

CUT Receive Service Profile Data workflow process, steps   1

CUT Receive Service Profile Data workflow subprocess, steps   1

CUT Receive Trouble Ticket Data workflow process, steps   1

CUT Receive Work Order Data workflow process, steps   1

CUT Send Account Data workflow process, steps   1

CUT Send Phone Number Data workflow process, steps   1

CUT Send Sales Order Data workflow process, steps   1

CUT Send Service Profile Data workflow process, steps   1

CUT Send Work Order Data workflow process, steps   1

CUT Sent Trouble Ticket Data workflow process, steps   1

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dynamic assignment, about   1

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end-user procedures

agreement details, examining in Explorer   1

agreements, associating with an order   1

agreements, modifying   1

assets, associating related assets with primary asset   1

assets, creating   1

assets, creating transaction for   1

assets, viewing components associated with   1

assets, viewing hierarchical information for   1

assets, viewing service points and service information   1

opportunities, associating a partner with   1

opportunities, associating account with   1

opportunities, associating with a product   1

opportunities, conditions to for updating quotes   1

opportunities, creating   1

opportunities, creating a profile for an opportunity   1

opportunity, associating with a related site   1

quote, creating for opportunity   1

service item, associating agreements with   1

service request, adding associated with an asset   1


about using   1

agreements, relationship with   1

defined   1

trouble tickets, verifying associating with   1

verification, about   1


adding installed or planned   1

list, using and fields   1

exemption profile

description   1

end-user procedures, about   1

exemption profiles

end-user procedures, fields (table)   1

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financial profile

about financial profiles   1

credit check, running   1

description   1

fields, table of   1

fraud management

business scenario   1

customer follow-up, about   1

discontinuing service based on alert, about   1

fraud alert details, viewing   1

fraud alert, updating   1

fraud alerts, description   1

fraud alerts, viewing   1

fraud threshold, changing   1

fraud threshold, description   1

fraud, defined   1

fraud profile

about and fields (table)   1

description   1

Back to top


incorporated business/individual

credit check information   1

infrastructure information

Infrastructure view   1

integration objects, description   1

interactive assignment, about   1

Invoice view, accessing   1


duplicate, requesting   1

Back to top


line items

actions, adding   1

work orders, creating for   1

loyalty profile

description   1

end-user procedures, about   1

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manual assignment, about   1

master agreements, about   1

MSAG Profile, description   1

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account, associating opportunity with   1

business scenario   1

description   1

opportunity, creating   1

partner, associating with an opportunity   1

product, associating with an opportunity   1

profile, creating for an opportunity   1

quote, conditions to work   1

quote, creating   1

related site, associating with an opportunity   1

order management module

note about Service Profile view   1

order, associating agreements with   1

Back to top


parent-child relationship, changing   1


opportunity, associating with   1

payment arrangement

history, viewing   1

outcome, viewing   1

overview   1

payment outcome terms, recording customer's decision   1

requesting   1

payment information

entering, about   1

payment record, creating   1

record adjustments   1


accounts, profiles, and back-office systems, interrelationships (table)   1

address profile, creating and updating   1

address, revalidating   1

address, validating   1

billing profile, about and fields (table)   1

billing profile, adding payment information to   1

business scenario   1

creating or updating   1

credit check, running   1

customer profile, about end-user procedures   1

defined   1

exemption profile fields, table of   1

exemption profile, about end-user procedures   1

financial profile fields, table of   1

financial profile, about end-user procedures   1

fraud profile, about and fields (table)   1

loyalty profile, about end-user procedures   1

roles and responsibilities, table of   1

site profile, about end-user procedures and fields (table)   1

statement profile, about end-user procedures and fields (table)   1

types, table of   1

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See Creating a Quote for an Opportunity in Siebel Communications (End User)

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Receive Account Data workflow

account record, updating   1

inbound message, converting   1

inbound messages from IBM MQSeries, receiving   1

repayment plans

customer decision, submitting   1

description   1

repayment plan outcome, viewing   1

repayment plans, about   1

request for   1

views listed   1


profiles, table of   1

table of   1


profiles, table of   1

table of   1

Back to top


sales administrators

roles and responsibilities   1

sales agreements, description   1

sales managers

roles and responsibilities   1

sales representative

profiles, roles and responsibilities   1

roles and responsibilities, table of   1

screens, table of   1

Send Account Data workflow

outbound message, sending   1

Service Aggregator Class

description   1

service agreements

description   1

Service class

description   1

service information, viewing assets   1

service item

agreements, associating with   1

service level agreements, description   1

service point

assets, viewing   1

Service Profile view

note about order management module   1

service requests

administrator setup, about   1

asset, adding to associate with service request   1

business scenario   1

contact, associating with   1

creating, about   1

description   1

initiating, about   1

trouble tickets, differences between   1

Siebel eBusiness Application Integration (eAI), description   1

Siebel eCommunications

business issues, solutions to (table)   1

description   1

screens and functions (table)   1

Siebel eMedia

business issues, solutions to (table)   1

screens and functions (table)   1

site profile

description   1

end-procedures, about and fields (table)   1

statement profile

description   1

end-user procedures, about and fields (table)   1

end-user procedures, about statement profiles   1

subagreements, about   1

Back to top


telecommunications-related infrastructure, adding   1

third-party credit systems   1

trouble tickets

administrator setup, about   1

analyzing data   1

attachments, about   1

business scenario   1

closing trouble tickets   1

contact, associating with   1

creating trouble tickets   1

creating, about   1

customer verification, about   1

description   1

entitlement verification, about   1

entitlement, verifying associating with   1

existing parent tickets, associating child ticket with   1

field service agents, about communication with   1

initiating, about   1

partner software, about referring to   1

person or group, assigning manually   1

person or group, assigning to   1

service requests, differences between   1

solutions, about reviewing   1

solutions, defined   1

trouble tickets, resolving

activity plan, associating with   1

activity, about adding to   1

activity, adding to   1

Back to top


unbilled charges, viewing   1

unincorporated business

credit check information   1


billing, viewing details   1

detail information, viewing   1

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work orders

activity for a work order, creating   1

activity plan, associating with   1

attachments, about relating to   1

business scenario   1

defined   1

line item actions, adding   1

line items, creating   1

service information, viewing   1

work order terms, adding   1

work orders, creating   1

workflow process, integrating

business scenarios   1

CUT Get Account Data workflow process   1

CUT Get Phone Number Data workflow process   1

CUT Get Sales Order Data workflow process   1

CUT Get Service Profile Data workflow subprocess   1

CUT Get Trouble Ticket Data workflow process   1

CUT Get Work Order Data workflow process   1

CUT Receive Account Data workflow process   1

CUT Receive Credit Alert Data workflow process   1

CUT Receive Fraud Alert Data workflow process   1

CUT Receive Phone Number Data workflow process   1

CUT Receive Sales Order Data workflow process   1

CUT Receive Service Profile Data workflow process   1

CUT Receive Trouble Ticket Data workflow process   1

CUT Receive Work Order Data workflow process   1

CUT Send Account Data workflow process   1

CUT Send Phone Number Data workflow process   1

CUT Send Sales Order Data workflow process   1

CUT Send Service Profile Data workflow process   1

CUT Send Trouble Ticket Data workflow process   1

CUT Send Work Order Data workflow process   1

sample processes, about   1

workflow process, sample

CUT Receive Account Data, defining properties   1

CUT Receive Account Data, viewing workflow process steps   1

CUT Send Account Data, viewing process properties   1

CUT Send Account Data, viewing workflow process steps   1

workflow processes, description   1

workflows, sample

Receive Account Data, converting the inbound message   1

Receive Account Data, receiving the inbound message from IBM MQSeries   1

Receive Account Data, updating the account record   1

Send Account Data, accessing the Workflow Process Designer   1

Send Account Data, sending outbound message   1

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Siebel Communications Guide