Siebel Communications Guide > Billing in Siebel Communications >

Entering Payment Against an Outstanding Balance in Siebel Communications (End User)

End users can enter a payment for a customer at either the account level or the invoice level, according to the accounting system used at their company:

  • Account-Level Payments. Associate the payment against the account when the company's accounting method applies the payment against the account balance (Balance Forward).
  • Invoice-Level Payments. Associate the payment against one or more invoices when the company's accounting method applies the payment against the bill balance (Open Item).

To record a payment at the account level

  1. Navigate to the Accounts screen.
  2. In the Accounts list, click the name of an account.
  3. Click the Billing Portal view tab.
  4. In the Account Balance form, click Pay.

    The Payments list appears with the account information already filled in for the new record.

  5. In the field, select a method for payment.
  6. In the Payments list, complete the necessary fields.

    Some fields are described in the following table.


    Payment #

    System-generated number.

    Payment Date

    Automatically populated.

    Payment Amount

    Automatically populated based on the account and account balance. Status must be set to Open to enter the amount. Otherwise, it is read-only.


    Set automatically to Open. End users can edit this record as long as the Status is not Submitted.

  7. In the More Info form, complete additional fields, if necessary. The fields displayed depend on the Payment Method selection you made.
    • EFT. Deducts payment from the customer's bank account.

      Bank Account #

      Customer's bank account number.

      Account Holder Name

      Name under which the customer's bank account is registered.

      Bank Branch

      Reference number of the specific branch of the customer's bank.

    • Credit Card. Charges payment to the customer's credit card.
    • Reference. Captures payment details that were made at a third-party location, such as post offices or banks.


      Location where the payment was made.

      Reference #

      Reference number of the payment.

  8. Click Submit.

To record a payment against one invoice

  1. Navigate to the Invoices screen.
  2. From the Show drop-down list, select All External Invoices.
  3. In the Invoices list, click Pay.

    A new record is created with the payment number, amount, date, and status already populated.

  4. Continue with Step 5 of To record a payment at the account level, and perform the remaining steps in the procedure.

To record a payment against multiple invoices

  1. Navigate to the Accounts screen.
  2. In the Accounts list, click the name of the account.

    NOTE:  End users can also begin this procedure from the Billing Portal view. For information, see Table 13.

  3. Click the Payments view tab.
  4. In the Payments list, add a payment.
  5. Drill down on the Payments # hyperlink.

    The Payment Detail form appears with view tabs beneath it.

  6. Click the Invoices view tab.
  7. In the Invoices list, enter the amount that you want to apply to each invoice in the Payment Amount field.
  8. In the Payment Detail form, enter the total amount.

To view the payment history

  1. Navigate to the Accounts screen.
  2. In the Accounts list, click the name of an account.
  3. Click the Billing Portal view tab.

    The Payment History list displays the most current records for the account.

Siebel Communications Guide