Siebel Communications Server Administration Guide > Configuring User Interface Elements > Configuring Recipient Groups for Requests and Advanced Templates >

Configuring Additional Recipient Groups and Recipient Sources Applets

If the Recipient Group picklist does not contain the options you need, follow the instructions in this section. This section describes how to configure your Siebel application to add or modify recipient groups, and to modify user interface features for specifying recipients for outbound communication requests.

For additional information, see About Recipient Groups and Predefined Recipient Groups. See also Configuring Substitution Fields for Recipient Groups.

If the predefined recipient groups do not serve all your needs, you must:

If you are adding any items to the List of Values, you must also:

  • Configure the Recipient Sources applet (applet name in Siebel Tools is Comm Source List Applet) to display records associated with the business objects and business components from which you want to specify recipients. This is described in Configuring Recipient Sources Applets. Do this for these views:
    • Outbound Request Overview view in Administration - Communications screen (view name in Siebel Tools is Comm Request Source Recipient Admin View)
    • My Outbound Request Overview view in Communications screen (view name in Siebel Tools is Comm Request Source Recipient Personal View)

      If you only want to remove an option from the List of Values, you do not need to configure the applet in Siebel Tools.

For additional information about any of the steps in the following procedures, see the relevant Siebel documentation. For configuring Lists of Values, see Applications Administration Guide. For configuring applets, see Configuring Siebel eBusiness Applications and Siebel Developer's Reference.

Configuring the Recipient Group List of Values

This section describes configuring the List of Values for the Recipient Group drop-down list.

To configure the List of Values for the Recipient Group drop-down list

  1. From the application-level menu, choose Navigate > Site Map > Administration - Data > List of Values.
  2. Optionally, create a new List of Values item of type COMM_RECIP_SRC, if one does not already exist that specifies the business object that will serve as the recipient source for the recipient group you require:
    1. Locate a record of type COMM_RECIP_SRC, for which the field Parent LIC is NULL (that is, contains no value). Parent LIC stands for Parent Language-Independent Code.
    2. Copy the record.
    3. Specify values for the new record. Set the Display Value and the Language-Independent Code fields to the business object name that represents the recipient source—for example, Campaign, Account, and so on.
  3. Locate a record of type COMM_RECIP_SRC for which the field Parent LIC is not NULL (that is, contains a value).
  4. Copy the record.
  5. Specify values for the new record:
    1. Set the Parent LIC field to the business object name that represents the recipient source, such as one you specified in Step 2.
    2. Set the Display Value field to any appropriate value.
    3. Set the Language-Independent Code field to the business component specified as the recipient group business component.

Configuring Recipient Sources Applets

This section describes configuring applets, including association applets, for the Recipient Sources applet, which is described at the start of this section.

To configure Recipient Sources applets

  1. Start Siebel Tools.

    If an existing applet is defined, named Comm Source bus_obj_name List Applet, where bus_obj_name is the name of the business object that is to serve as the recipient source, then you do not need to create the applet in Step 2 and Step 3.

  2. As necessary, create a new applet, or copy and modify an existing applet.

    For example, you can copy the applet Comm Source List Applet, which is displayed as the Recipient Sources applet.

  3. Provide a name for the new applet, in the form Comm Source bus_obj_name List Applet, where bus_obj_name is the name of the business object that is to serve as the recipient source.

    NOTE:  The applet Comm Source bus_obj_name List Applet must be specified for recipient groups for communication requests. The recipient groups listed for communication requests are only those for which applets with this naming convention have been defined. For recipient groups to be used only for communications templates, this naming convention is not required.

    The class of the new applet must be CSSFrameListCommSrc.

  4. Specify the business component associated with your new applet. If you copied Comm Source List Applet or another existing applet, then you must also modify which business component your new applet is associated with.
  5. Add the new applet to the Applet Toggle list for the applet Comm Source List Applet.

    When a user chooses the corresponding value from the Recipient Group picklist, as configured in the previous procedure, the Recipient Sources applet will automatically function as the new applet you are defining here. The recipient source business object is identified using a label displayed on the right side of the applet header area.

  6. Create a new association applet for the new recipient source, or use an existing association applet, and set it into the new list applet.

    An association applet is the applet that appears in a dialog box when you add a new record in a fixed applet that allows association. For example, in this case, it could be for associating an account with a communication request. Every list applet has an Assoc Applet property that you can set to an association applet.

  7. Create a link between the Comm Request business component and the new recipient source business component, using S_COMM_REQ_SRC as the intersection table.

    For examples, refer to existing links defined for the Comm Request business object.

  8. Add the new recipient source business component to the Comm Request business object, specifying the link created in Step 7.
  9. For outbound communication requests for email, fax, or page, define the following user properties on the business component that you plan to use as the recipient group:
    • Recipient First Name Field. The business component field containing the recipient's first name.
    • Recipient Last Name Field. The business component field containing the recipient's last name.
    • Recipient Preferred Medium Field. The business component field containing the recipient's communications channel preference.

      If the setting Only Send Preference is specified for a communication request, a communications template is sent to a recipient if the template's channel type corresponds to the value in the field indicated by this user property.

      If this user property is not set, the preference is retrieved from the Preferred Communications field, if the business component includes such a field.

      For more information about Only Send Preference, see Fields for Outbound Communication Requests.

    • Recipient Email Address Field. The business component field containing the recipient's email address data.

      For example, in the Contact business component, your application may use the Email Address field for email address data. In this case, Recipient Email Address Field should specify the Email Address field. (This field is specified by default.)

    • Recipient Fax Address Field. The business component field containing the recipient's fax address data.

      For example, in the Contact business component, your application may use the Fax Phone # field for fax address data. However, Recipient Fax Address Field should specify the Fax Address field (this field is specified by default). Fax Address is a calculated field that prepares fax addressing data obtained from the Fax Phone # field for use with your fax server.

      The formatting for fax-related fields depends on your fax server requirements. By default, the calculated field value for the Fax Address field contains fax formatting that applies to Captaris RightFax. All such field values must be modified as appropriate for your specific fax integration.

      For example, for RightFax, the calculated field value should specify the email account that is monitored by RightFax. For more information, see Integrating with Fax Systems and Configuring Fax Integration Elements in Siebel Tools.

    • Recipient Pager Address Field. The business component field containing the recipient's pager address data. Refer to the Recipient Pager Address Field in the Employee business component for the correct pager address format.

      For more information, see Modem-based TAP Paging Driver Parameters.

For outbound communication requests using wireless messaging, the user properties described above are not used. Each recipient's mobile device address data is obtained from the Mobile Device Address business component using the recipient's ID stored in the S_PARTY table.

Mobile device address data is entered into the Mobile Devices view in the Administration - Communications screen, entered by users in the Mobile screen, or captured automatically.

For more information about wireless messaging, see Using Siebel Wireless Messaging.

Siebel Communications Server Administration Guide