Siebel Connector for SAP R/3 > Installation and Configuration > Component Configuration >

Setting Server Component Parameters

Specific component parameters must be set for the tRFC BAPI Receiver and Business Integration Manager server components.

Your SAP system administrator must create a CPIC user for your connection to SAP. This user name and password are required in the following steps.

To set the Business Integration Manager (BusIntMgr) component parameters

  1. Set the SAPRfcUserName parameter for the Business Integration Manager component. You can use either of two methods:
    • Method 1. Within the Siebel client, navigate to the Component Parameters form and set the value of the parameter to the user name your administrator has created.
    • Method 2. Using the Server Manager line mode interface, use the change param command to set the value of the parameter to your SAP user name. For example: change param SAPRfcUserName="auser" for comp BusIntMgr.

      More information on how to set component parameters can be found in the Siebel System Administration Guide.

  2. Set the SAPRfcPassword parameter for the Business Integration Manager component to the SAP password for the user created.
  3. Set the SAPRfcConnectString parameter for the Business Integration Manager component.

    DEST=destination name CLIENT=SAP client LANG=SAP Login language

    where destination name is the destination name of a TYPE=A entry in the saprfc.ini file, SAP client is the three digit SAP client number and SAP login language is the login language character (E for English).

    For example your SAPRfcConnectString parameter value may look something like this:

    DEST=DEV_Outbound CLIENT=555 LANG=E

  4. Set the SAPSenderPrtnrNum parameter for the Business Integration Manager component to the SAP logical system name that defines your external system to SAP.

    This name was entered into SAP during ALE configuration, read Configuring ALE/IDOC Connectivity.

  5. Restart the Siebel Server.

To set the SAP tRFC BAPI receiver (BAPIRcvr) component parameters

  • Set the SAPRfcDestEntry component parameter for the SAP tRFC BAPI Receiver component value to the destination name of a TYPE=R entry in the saprfc.ini file.

    Within the Siebel Client navigate to the Component Parameters form and set the value of the parameter.

Siebel Connector for SAP R/3