Siebel Connector for Siebel eBusiness Applications > Initializing a New Instance > Siebel to Siebel Outbound Process >

Siebel to Siebel Outbound Sub-Process

This is the main publishing workflow. It operates on each channel object. The corresponding business object for this workflow (shown in Figure 7) is the Siebel to Siebel Object.

Figure 7. Siebel to Siebel Outbound Sub-Process Workflow
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Process Properties

Used internally in this workflow process, Figure 8 through Figure 11 show the process rows displayed under the Process Properties tab.

Figure 8. Process Properties for Outbound Sub-Process Workflow (1 of 4)
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Figure 9. Process Properties for Outbound Sub-Process Workflow (2 of 4)
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Figure 10. Process Properties for Outbound Sub-Process Workflow (3 of 4)
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Figure 11. Process Properties for Outbound Sub-Process Workflow (4 of 4)
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Process Steps

  1. Create a Query Spec: This step invokes the Query Specification to Siebel Message method of business service EAI Query Spec Service. This service builds an intermediate data structure that satisfies the specified Query Spec and integration object definition.
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  2. Lock Channel: This step invokes the LockChannel method of Business Service Snapshot Access Service. It is used to synchronize the publishing process and receiving process on the same instance for a given channel.
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  3. Get Integration Object: This step invokes the Query method of Business Service EAI Siebel Adapter. Siebel Adapter takes the output of Step 2 and builds a data structure that contains all the integration object instances that satisfy the query specification.
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  4. Compare Snapshot: This step invokes the Get Snapshot method of business service Incremental Snapshot. Incremental Snapshot takes the integration object instances that were queried from Siebel Adapter and compares them with what has been taken in the snapshot table. Only the differences (a partial image of integration object instances) are output (to "SnapshotDelta").
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  5. Was changed?: This is a decision step. If the current global data image is different from what is in the snapshot table, go to Step 6: Convert to XML; otherwise, this workflow ends.
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  6. Get Delta Snapshot: This step invokes the Lookup method of business service EAI Dispatch Service. The output of Incremental Snapshot has two Siebel Messages. One is the calculated change and the other is the skeleton/full image for update snapshot. EAI Dispatch Service gets the calculated change from the outputs at this step.
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  7. Data Transformation: This step invokes the Execute method of business service EAI Data Mapping Engine. The Engine transforms the integration object instance to the version that used on the receiving side.
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  8. Convert to XML: If the current global data image is different from what is in the snapshot table, the difference (contained in SnapshotDelta) is converted to an XML document using the Integration Object Hierarchy to XML Document method of business service EAI XML Converter.
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  9. Send Snapshot: The converted XML Document is sent to a specific queue on a specific machine by EAI MSMQ Transport business service.
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  10. Get Skeleton/Full Snapshot: This step invokes the Lookup method of business service EAI Dispatch Service. EAI Dispatch Service gets the skeleton/full snapshot image and passes it as the input of "Update Snapshot."
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  11. Update Snapshot: After the incremental snapshot is sent, the snapshot table is updated to reflect the current image of global data (thus, if global data is modified in the future, only the difference in the new image and current image will be published next time).
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  12. Unlock Channel: This step invokes the UnlockChannel method of business Service Snapshot Access Service. It releases the lock on the channel so that the receiving process can start to process data. It is used to synchronize the publishing process and receiving process on the same instance for a given channel.
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  13. Exception Unlock: Calls the same method as the "Unlock Channel." If a step fails before the end of the workflow, the workflow releases the lock so that the receiving process can proceed.
Siebel Connector for Siebel eBusiness Applications