Siebel Data Warehouse Installation and Administration Guide > Installing and Configuring Siebel Data Warehouse on Windows >

Setting DAC ETL Preferences

Follow this procedure to set the appropriate ETL parameters in the DAC.

To set the DAC ETL Preferences

  1. Launch the DAC client.
  2. From the DAC menu bar, choose Tools > ETL Management Preferences.

The available parameters are described in Table 26.

Table 26.  ETL Preferences

Analysis Start Date

The start date used to build the day dimension and to flatten exchange rates and costs lists.

Analysis End Date

The end date used to build the day dimension and to flatten exchange rates and costs lists.

Prune Days

The LAST_UPD column in Siebel transactional database tables is used for incremental change capture. This timestamp reflects the actual event time. It is therefore possible for a data row to be committed to the transactional database with a LAST_UPD date that is older than the date on which the last refresh was executed. This will cause the data row to be missed in the subsequent extract (if based purely on LAST_UPD date).

However, the LAST_UPD date column still provides an opportunity to improve the change capture process by overlapping the extraction date window by the number of days set in this parameter. The records extracted in the overlapped window are filtered by comparing this information with information in the Image table.

The Prune Days setting ensures that the rows that had values in LAST_UPD older than values in LAST_REFRESH_DATE are not missed. This is a parameter that can be set based on experience with processes, such as remote sync, that potentially can cause records to be missed. This parameter cannot be less than 1.

For example: Assume the table W_PERSON_D was refreshed on January 15th by querying the table S_CONTACT. And, the Prune Days setting was set to 5. The next time S_CONTACT is queried to load W_PERSON_D, the records that have a LAST_UPD value since January 10 are compared with the ROW_ID of the Image table to cover for any missing records between January 15 and January 10 (the overlap period).

Default OLTP Currency

During the ETL process, if a record's transaction currency is null, the ETL process uses the currency specified here as the default transaction currency.

DW Currency

The currency to which all financial transaction are converted during the load process.

Default Exchange Rate

The exchange rate used during a data warehouse currency conversion if certain currency exchange rates are not available.

Max Days in a Sales Stage

Applicable to opportunities only. The maximum number of days an opportunity can spend in a sales stage.

Default Language

The language to which columns' display strings are translated.

NOTE:  Language-independent strings are stored in the _l columns. If you do not know what the default language setting is, issue the following query against the transactional database:

select lang_id from S_LST_OF_VAL
where type='ETL_UNSPEC_STR';

Default DW Index Space

Applicable to Oracle databases only. The indexspace where indices are created. The indexspace can be specified at the index level or at the global level (ETL Preferences dialog box). When indices are dropped and created, they are created in the default indexspace for the table if an indexspace is not specified in the indexspace property of the index itself. If you do not want to specify indexspaces for every index, you can specify a default indexspace in the ETL Preferences dialog box.

NOTE:  This indexspace is used only when indices are dropped and created. After the indices are created, changing the value does not move them over.

Alignment Version

Applicable to vertical applications only. Seed data needs to be updated in certain lists of values to make sure that the ETL process correctly populates the alignment type and product category relationships in the Siebel Data Warehouse.

Remove the check from this check box if you want to make changes to the existing alignment.

Check this check box if you want to create a new alignment version.

This setting is used by Siebel Life Sciences to control loading of changes in assignment rules in Siebel Assignment Manager.

Siebel Data Warehouse Installation and Administration Guide