Siebel Data Warehouse Installation and Administration Guide >

Installing and Configuring Siebel Data Warehouse on Windows

This chapter describes the processes involved in installing the various clients and servers used for the Siebel Data Warehouse in the Windows environment.

NOTE:  To install the server components, the computers need to meet the conditions specified in Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms, Siebel Analytics.

This section includes the following main topics:

Siebel Data Warehouse Installation and Configuration Process Flow

Figure 8 shows the sequence for the Siebel Data Warehouse installation and configuration.

Figure 8.  Siebel Data Warehouse Installation and Configuration Flow
Click for full size image

Siebel Data Warehouse Installation and Configuration Process Task List

The Siebel Data Warehouse installation and configuration process consists of the following tasks. Complete each of these tasks in the order listed below.

  1. Installing Siebel Data Warehouse-Related Software on Windows.
    1. Installing Siebel Analytics (Data Warehouse Option) on Windows.
    2. Installing the Informatica Server and Repository Server on Windows.
    3. For Teradata installations, install the Teradata patch. See To install the Teradata patch on Windows.
    4. Installing Informatica Client Software on Windows.
    5. Setting Informatica Data Code Pages Validation.
    6. Installing the Java SDK.
  2. Configuring the DAC Client.
    1. Configuring the DAC Config.bat File.
    2. Installing JDBC Drivers for DAC Database Connectivity.
  3. Creating the DAC Metadata Repository.
  4. Configuring the DAC Metadata Repository.
    1. Setting Up DAC System Properties.
    2. Creating ODBC Database Connections.
    3. Registering Informatica Servers on the DAC Client.
    4. Configuring Email Recipients on the DAC Client.
    5. Activating Join Indices for Teradata Databases.
  5. Configuring the Siebel Data Warehouse Database.
    1. Creating the SSE Role.
    2. Creating Data Warehouse Tables.
  6. Configuring the Informatica Server.
  7. Setting Environment Variables on Windows.
  8. Copying Database Parameter Files.
  9. Copying Teradata Loader Control Files.
  10. Creating, Restoring, and Configuring the Informatica Repository.
    1. Starting the Informatica Repository Server.
    2. Creating or Restoring the Informatica Repository.
    3. Dropping the Informatica Repository (Optional).
    4. Registering the Informatica Repository Server in Repository Server Administration Console.
    5. Pointing to the Informatica Repository.
    6. Configuring the Informatica Repository in the DAC.
    7. Configuring the Informatica Repository in Workflow Manager.
  11. Setting the Code Page File Property for Unicode Environments on Teradata Databases.
  12. Setting Up the HOSTS File for Teradata Installations on Windows.
  13. Verifying the Informatica Repository Configuration.
  14. Starting the Informatica Server.
  15. Setting DAC ETL Preferences.
  16. Configuring the DAC Server.
    1. Configuring the Connection between the DAC Server and DAC Repository.
    2. Configuring Email in the DAC Server (Optional).
  17. Updating Siebel Transactional Database Schema Definitions.
    1. Backing Up the Siebel Repository.
    2. Importing the SIF File into the Siebel Transactional Database.
    3. Verifying the SIF Patch Application.
    4. Creating Delete Triggers.
Siebel Data Warehouse Installation and Administration Guide