Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume ll > Creating and Maintaining Integration Objects >

Creating Integration Objects Using the EAI Siebel Wizard

Siebel Tools provides a wizard to walk you through creating an integration object. You should use this wizard to create your integration object.

To create a new Siebel integration object

  1. Start Siebel Tools.
  2. Create a new project and lock it, or lock an existing project in which you want to create your integration object.
  3. Choose File > New Object... to display the New Object Wizards dialog box.
  4. Select the EAI tab and double-click the Integration Object icon.
  5. In the Integration Object Builder wizard:
    1. Select the project you locked in Step 2.
    2. Select the EAI Siebel Wizard.
  6. Click Next and in the second page of the Integration Object Builder wizard:
    1. Select the source object. This is the object model for the new Siebel integration object. Only business objects with Primary Business Components appear on this picklist.
    2. Type a unique name in the field for the new Siebel integration object and click Next.

      NOTE:  The name of an integration object must be unique among other integration objects. There will be an error if the name already exists.

      The next page of the wizard, the Integration Object Builder - Choose Integration Components page, displays the available components of the object you chose.

  7. Deselect the components you would like the wizard to ignore. This means you will not be able to integrate data for that component between the Siebel application and another system.

    NOTE:  Any component that has a plus sign (+) next to it is a parent in a parent-child relationship with one or more child components. If you deselect the parent component, the children below that component are deselected as well. You cannot include a child component without also including the parent. The Integration Object Builder enforces this rule by automatically selecting the parent of any child you choose to include.

    For example, assume you have chosen to build your Siebel integration object on the Siebel Account business object and you want to create an integration component based on the Account and Contact business components.

    1. Deselect the Account integration component at the top of the scrolling list. This action deselects the entire tree below Account.
    2. Select the Contact component. When selecting a child component, its parent component is also selected, but none of the components below the child component are selected. You must individually select the ones you want.
  8. Click Next. The next page displays error or warning messages generated during the process. Review the messages and take the appropriate actions to address them.
  9. Click Finish to complete the process of creating a new Siebel integration object.

    NOTE:  After creating integration objects in Siebel Tools, you must compile them into a new SRF file and copy the SRF file to the SIEBSRVR_ROOT/OBJECTS directory.

    Your new Siebel integration object appears in the list of integration objects in Siebel Tools.

    On the Integration Components screen, the Account integration component is the only component that has a blank field in the Parent Integration Component column. The blank field identifies Account as the root component. The Siebel integration object also contains the other components selected, such as Contact and its child components.

    NOTE:  Once you create your integration object based on a Siebel business object, you should not change its integration component's External Name Context; otherwise, the synchronization process will not recognize the integration component and will remove it from the integration object.

  10. To view the fields that make up each integration component, select a component from the integration component list in Siebel Tools.

    The Integration Component Fields applet displays the list of fields for that component. Note the system fields Conflict Id, Created, Id, Mod Id, Updated, operation, and searchspec in the list. This setting prevents EAI Siebel Adapter Query and QueryPage method from outputting these fields. For more details, see About the SearchSpec Input Method Argument.

Creating an Integration Object Based on Another Root Business Component

The Integration Object Builder wizard, using the EAI Siebel Wizard, allows you to choose which business object to use. However, the Integration Object Builder wizard will generate the Primary Business Component as the root Integration Component. If it happens that the business object contains multiple root business components (note the difference between root and primary business component), and that the user requires the Integration Object to be created based on another root business component, then you will perform the following procedure.

To create an integration object based on another root business component

  1. Modify the business object definition in Siebel Tools to have that particular root business component as the Primary Business Component.
  2. Run the Integration Object Builder wizard and choose the business object you want to use.
  3. Undo the changes to the business object definition.

Step 3 is necessary because unless you are very certain about what you are doing in terms of changing the Primary Business Component of the business object, it is recommended that you roll back the changes such that it will not affect any business logic.

Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume ll