Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume ll > Property Set Representation of Integration Objects > Property Sets and Integration Objects >

Property Set Node Types

When passing integration object instances as the input or output of a business service, you can use property sets to represent different node types, as presented in Table 28.

Table 28.  Property Set Node Types
Value of Type Attribute

Service Method Arguments



The properties of this property set contain any service specific parameters, such as PrimaryRowId for EAI Siebel Adapter.

This is the top-level property set of a business service's input or output. The properties of this property set contain any service-specific parameters (for example, PrimaryRowId for EAI Siebel Adapter).


Service Method Arguments


The properties of this property set contain header attributes associated with the integration object, for example, IntObjectName.

This property set is a wrapper around a set of integration object instances of a specified type. To pass integration objects between two business services in a workflow, this property set is copied to and from a workflow process property of type Hierarchy.

Object List



Not used.

This property set identifies the object type that is being represented. The root components of the object instances are children of this property set.

Root Component

Object List

Root Component Name

The property names of the property set represent the field names of the component, and the property values are the field values.

This property set represents the root component of an integration object instance.

Child Component Type

Root Component or Component

ListOfComponent Name

Not used.

An integration component can have a number of child component types, each of which can have zero or more instances. The Integration Object Hierarchy format groups the child components of a given type under a single property set. This means that child components are actually grandchildren of their parent component's property set.

Child Components

Child Component Type

Component Name

The property names of the property set represent the field names of the component, and the property values are the field values.

This property set represents a component instance. It is a grandchild of the parent component's property set.

Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume ll