Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume ll > Web Services >

About Web Services Cache Refresh

Both Siebel Inbound and Outbound Web Services are typically cached into memory on the Siebel Server. At times, administrators need to update the definitions of these services to provide more current or correct functionality. Administrators have the ability to directly refresh the memory cache in real time, without the need to stop and restart Siebel services.

Web Services cache is used to store all the global administration information that can be manipulated in the Inbound and Outbound Web Service administration screens.

The Clear Cache feature requires user interaction. The administrator decides when Web Service configuration needs to be refreshed. When used, Web Service configuration changes can be made without restarting the Siebel Server or the Server Component that uses the configuration.

The Clear Cache feature is a button in the Administration - Web Services screen. This feature is available for inbound and outbound Web Services. Figure 30 reflects this feature for inbound Web Services.

Figure 30.  Clear Cache Button
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Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume ll