Siebel Events Management Guide > Defining an Event > Administrator Setup Procedures for Defining an Event >

Reviewing and Modifying Lists of Values (LOVs)

Before you enter information about an event, you may want to review the existing LOVs to determine whether the values meet the needs of your company, and then add or modify LOVs to adapt them to your business processes.

To review and modify LOVs for event management

  1. From the application-level menu, choose Navigate >  Site Map >  Administration - Data >  Lists of Values.
  2. Refer to Table 3 or Table 4, and review the LOVs for event management.
  3. Update the values as required.

    For specific instructions on modifying LOVs, see Applications Administration Guide.

Siebel Events Management screens contain fields that display available values from LOVs such as those listed in Table 3 and Table 4.

Table 3.  List of Values (LOVs)
List of Values


Indicates whether a venue or vendor rate is calculated hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, or on a per-item or per-person basis.


Displays a selection of contribution types a partner organization can make for an event, such as monetary, promotional, material, and so on.


Frequency with which the events occur within an event plan. For example, daily, monthly, or quarterly.


Indicates if a fee is required for the event. Values available by default include Registration, Voluntary, Donation, and None.


Displays the format of the session featured, such as Keynote, Roundtable, Workshop, and so on.


Displays a selection of sponsorship commitment types, such as promotion or resources.


Displays a selection of vendor or partner for an organization type.


Identifies the role of a partner organization in an event, such as Exhibitor, Sponsor, Contributor, and so on.


Indicates the status of arrangements with a partner organization, such as Requested, Shipped, Fulfilled, and so on.


Displays the registration status of a potential attendee, speaker, or staff member for an event or an individual session.


Displays a selection of revenue sources related to an event, such as Partners, Sponsors, Advertisers, and so on.


Displays a selection of room types available at event venues, such as conference rooms, classrooms, auditoriums, and so on.


Displays a selection of staff member roles or areas of responsibility, such as Set-Up, Moderator, Clean-Up, and so on.


Displays the registration status, such as in Planning, Launched, Scheduled, and so on.


Displays the status of an event or session, such as Planned, In Progress, Completed, and so on.


Displays the type of parent event plan or event featured, such as Seminar, Deal Roadshow, Non-Deal Roadshow, and so on.


Displays a selection of vendor roles or areas of responsibility, such as Caterer, Audio/Video, Security, and so on.


Displays a selection of venues, such as Convention Center, Hotel, Office, and so on.


Displays a list of approval status values, such as Rejected, Approved, and Submitted.


Displays a selection of collateral and literature types, such as Brochure, Map, Hand-out, and so on. This LOV is used in other areas of your Siebel application.


Displays a selection of participant status types such as VIP and Guest.


Indicates whether a collateral or literature item has reached Draft, Final, Approved, and so on. This LOV is used in other areas of your Siebel application.


Displays a list of expense categories, such as Creative, Furnishing, Vendors, Materials, and Venues.


Displays a list of session location types, such as Station or Table.


Displays a selection of travel types such as Air, Ground, and Hotel.

Table 4.  List of Values (Financial Services Customer Specific LOVs)
List of Values


Displays the registration status of an account for an event or an individual session. Values include Pending, Confirmed, Waitlisted, Restricted Invite, Invited, Cancelled, and so on.


Indicates the frequency of the auto-generated event of an event plan, such as Daily, Weekly, Quarterly, and so on.


Defines the service the vendor is providing. Values include Ads, Music, Lunch, Breakfast, Booths, Limo, Lodging, Publications, Sound, Table Set-up, Video, and so on.


Displays values for participant type, such as Analyst, Internal Participant, Competitor, and so on.


Displays the event registration status values, such as Open or Closed.


Displays values for the market capitalization size to describe the featured financial product, such as Large Cap, Mid Cap, Small Cap, or Micro Cap.

NOTE:  You use the S_REGION table to define the regions associated with the featured financial product, such as Asia, North America, Europe, and so on.

Siebel Events Management Guide