Siebel Events Management Guide >

What's New in This Release

What's New in Siebel Events Management Guide, Version 7.7

Table 1 lists changes described in this version of the documentation to support release 7.7 of the software.

Table 1.  New Product Features in Siebel Events Management Guide, Version 7.7

Goals & Assumptions Templates

See Defining an Event

Measure an Event Plan against various performance metrics given certain assumptions.

Generating Event with Frequency Field

See Defining an Event

Automatically generate events under an event plan based on frequency value.

Session Templates

See Defining an Event

Specify common agenda templates and use them to automatically generate sessions.

Event Plan & Event Visibility

See Defining an Event

Segments the event management data across multiple teams.

Venue & Vendor Changes

See Defining an Event and Preparing for an Event

Captures expense and billing information for venues and vendors, with an automatic rollup to event expenses.

Staff and Speaker Consolidation

See Preparing for an Event

Merged common views for simplification.

Web Banner Templates

See Preparing for an Event

Allows event organizers to publish rich HTML content describing a particular event.

New Invitation, Registration, Confirmation buttons

See Registering for an Event

Streamlined process for inviting and registering event attendees.

Opportunity Tracking

See Hosting an Event

Track event leads as they turn into sales opportunities.

Events Business Service methods & Parameters

See Registering for an Event

Flexible registration that enables customization of the registration process.

Limitation to Calendar Configuration

See Managing the Events Calendar

Changes to the calendar control will limit minor calendar customization features.

Integration with Siebel Marketing

See Preparing for an Event

Functionality to invite contacts or prospects to an event using Siebel Marketing campaigns and offers.

Prospect Registration (by means of Marketing Campaigns)

See Preparing for an Event

Supports prospect invitation and registration through Siebel Marketing Campaigns.

Registration History (by means of Marketing Responses)

See Registering for an Event

Tracks an invitee's campaign responses through the new registration history functionality.

Session Registration

See Registering for an Event

Functionality change where attendees must now register for the event before they are registered for a session.

New Terminology

  • Event Plan replaces Events
  • Events replaces Sub Events
  • Cost replaces Expenses

Siebel Events Management Guide