Siebel Field Service Guide > Field Service Activities > Activities Screen >

Schedule View

The Schedule view provides an extended description of the schedule and the scheduling process for a selected activity, plus controls for booking or cancelling future appointments and for inserting an activity in an optimized schedule. Some of the fields in this view also appear in All Activities View. Table 20 describes items in Schedule records.

Table 20.  Selected Items in the Schedule View

Account Address Map

This button provides a hyperlink to the MapQuest web site. Siebel does not guarantee the availability or accuracy of any content or service provided by MapQuest.

Allow Breaks

When selected, this check box allows the Optimization Engine to disrupt an activity to insert defined breaks, but not breaks that are separate activities. For more information, see Breaks.

Book Appt

Clicking this button sends a request to the Scheduler to find the possible time slots for scheduling this activity. For more information, see Scheduling and Dispatch.

Cancel Appt

Clicking this button sends a request to the Scheduler to remove this activity from the schedule. For more information, see Scheduling and Dispatch.

Contract Schedule

Clicking this button sends a request to the Scheduler to insert an activity into the schedule with minimal disruption to the schedule and without significant increase in the cost of the schedule. For more information, see Scheduling and Dispatch.


The time required to carry out an activity, including breaks and travel time. The value is = Planned End - Planned Start.

Earliest Start

The earliest time and date an activity may begin, usually used to indicate contractual commitments or deadlines. In some configuration settings, it may be NST (No sooner than). For more information, see Scheduling Parameters.

Latest Start

The latest time and date for an activity, usually used to indicate contractual commitments or deadlines. It is the same as the Due field in the More Info view on this screen. In some configuration settings, it may be NLT (No later than).

Lock Assignment

When selected, a check box that instructs the Assignment Manager not to assign this activity. The Employees field is never changed. For more information, see Rules for Assigning Activities.

Lock Schedule

When selected, a check box that prevents the Optimization Engine from scheduling this activity. When this flag is set, the engine cannot change the values of Planned Start and Planned End.

Planned End

The proposed date for completing an activity. Also appears as Planned Completion in the user interface.

Planned Start

The proposed date for starting an activity. The engines use this value, along with Planned End, to calculate the duration of an activity and to determine whether to load activity data into the Optimizer cache or ABS cache.

Service Region

The service region to which this activity is assigned.

Work Time

The time required to work on an activity, not including, for example, travel and breaks. The engines use this value to calculate the duration of an activity and to determine whether to load activity data into the Optimizer cache or the ABS cache.

Siebel Field Service Guide