Siebel Field Service Guide > Scheduling and Dispatch > Dispatch Board Screen >

Optimizing Display Speeds

To speed up display of the Dispatch Board, the Dispatch Board user interface component gets activity data from a cache rather than from the database. The display speed of the Dispatch Board can be further improved by changing the cache size.

The larger the cache, the more data a user can retrieve without accessing the database. Thus, a large cache size increases the display speed of the Dispatch Board. However, a larger cache also requires more server memory.

Therefore, in determining the optimal cache size, consider the following factors:

  • Cache size is the number of entries in the cache. The default is 300, the maximum is 2,000, and the minimum is 200.
  • An entry stores a list of the activities for an employee on a particular day. Thus, as the number of employees and viewable days in the Gantt chart increases, the cache size needs to be increased to avoid a slowdown in display speed. You can calculate an appropriate cache size (before adjusting for memory considerations) as follows:

    (10 employees x 14 days viewable) + delta (60) = 200 entries

  • Memory required by the cache is a function of the number of entries, the number of activities per entry, and the number and data type of tool tip fields.

To change the cache size

  1. Open Siebel Tools.
  2. Navigate to Object Explorer > Siebel Objects > Business Service.
  3. Query for the name, FS Activity Cache.
  4. Go to the child object, Business Service User Prop.
  5. Query for the name, Cache Size.
  6. Change the default value for cache size, and then click Save.
Siebel Field Service Guide