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About View Tabs in the User Interface

View tabs appear in the lower part of the application window after you drill down on a record, as shown in Figure 9. The list of available views depends on which screen tab you have selected. Click a view tab to display the desired data for the record you have selected. For example, you may be looking at a contact in the Contacts screen. Clicking the Campaigns view tab displays the campaigns associated with this contact.

Figure 9.  Example of View Tabs

If the view tab you need is not visible, use the drop-down arrow to display and select a different view tab. The drop-down arrow is located at the end of the currently displayed view tabs. It may also be that you do not have a certain view tab set to show in your User Preferences.

Link Bar

In some instances, a link bar may appear below the view tabs. This link bar provides access to additional views related to the selected record.

Related Topics

About the Link Bar in the User Interface

Showing, Hiding, and Reordering Screen and View Tabs
