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About Screen Home Pages

A screen home page is a gateway to all the common functions for that screen.

The following screens have screen home pages: Accounts, Contacts, Households, Opportunities, and Service. Figure 8 shows an example of a screen home page. Screen home pages have five main elements which are described in Table 3.

Figure 8.  Example of Opportunities Screen Home Page
Click for full size image
Table 3.  Screen Home Page Elements

Left, top


Query area where you can enter your query criteria directly into the fields, and click Go to be taken directly to the list with your query results.

Left, middle


Add area that you use to add new records. You complete the fields shown in the Add area, and click Add to add the record to the database and stay in the screen home page. You can also click Add and Go to add the record to the database and be taken directly to the list with the new record you just added.


Screen name

View links area that contains a list of links to the key lists of data with which you most frequently work. This list can be a combination of predefined queries and visibility filters.

Right, top


Task area that contains a list of links to the most important tasks for the screen. When you drill down on a task, iHelp is launched to guide you through the completion of the task.

Right, bottom

Recent Records

Recent items area that contains a list of the last five records that you accessed (by drilling down on the record), created, or modified. This area allows you to return to a recent record with a single click.

Related Topics

Customizing Home Pages

Setting Up View Links for Screen Home Pages
