Global Deployment Guide > Configuring Global Applications > The Localization Process >

Localizing an Unshipped Language

This section describes the process for localizing an unshipped language in your Siebel application. An administrator will need to perform following tasks:

In the procedures for performing these tasks, the following variables are used:



The unshipped language you are localizing; for example, Esperanto.


The base language of the application.


Any additional language installed in the enterprise that is not being used as XXX or YYY.

Create New Language Subdirectories

When you are localizing an unshipped language, you must first create new language subdirectories for the unshipped language.

To create language subdirectories for an unshipped language

  1. Create a language subdirectory under <siebserver root>\objects\XXX.
  2. Copy the SRF file from language ZZZ for the target language to the <siebserver root>/object/XXX folder if necessary.

    Be aware that the user interface will display data in this language.

  3. Create a new language subdirectory under <siebserver root>\bin\XXX and copy the CFG file used by the original Object Manager into that directory.

Configure the Object Manager

Next, you must configure the Object Manager you are going to use for testing the unshipped language.

To configure the Object Manager for an unshipped language

  1. Start the application in the base language and navigate to Server
    Administration > Enterprise Configuration > Component Parameters.
  2. Select the Object Manager you are going to use for the test. (For example, Call Center Object Manager (YYY).

    NOTE:  It is easier to use an existing Object Manager definition and point it elsewhere, instead of creating a new Object Manager definition.

  3. Query in the parameter's list for *Language*.
  4. Change the Language Code to XXX and the Object Manager Resource Language Code to YYY.
  5. Navigate to the Application Administration > List of Values Administration and select a column that can be used as a multilingual list of values (MLOV).

    For example, SR_STATUS.

  6. Add complementary values for your new XXX language.

    TIP:  Do not forget the availability of Unicode characters.

  7. Edit the CFG file for the Object Manager you chose to use in the [Siebel] section and change the Language=XXX.

Copy the .js File

When you have finished configuring the Object Manager, you must copy the .js file for the unshipped language.

To copy the .js file

  1. Select the <siebserver root>\webmaster\ZZZ and copy it to the XXX directory.
  2. Select the <siebserver root>\webmaster\<build number>\scripts\ZZZ and copy it to the XXX directory.
  3. Open the XXX directory and locate the \swemessages_zzz.js file.
  4. Rename this file to \swemessages_xxx.js file.

    CAUTION:  Only rename the file, do not edit it.

  5. Select the <siebserver root>\public\ZZZ and copy it to the XXX directory.
  6. Select the <sweapps root>\public\ZZZ and copy it to the XXX directory.
  7. Go to the Web server administration utility and edit the properties of the virtual directory you are using. (For example, callcenter_yyy.)

    NOTE:  It is easier to use an existing virtual directory and point it elsewhere, instead of creating a new virtual directory.

Test the Unshipped Language

The last procedure you need to perform is testing the unshipped language.

To test the unshipped language

  1. Restart the server and the World Wide Web publishing service to have the new settings take effect.
  2. Start the Object Manager and test the application.

    The application user interface should appear in ZZZ language, even though the application splash screen is in YYY language.

    NOTE:  If you are using multilingual list of values (MLOV) columns, make sure they are available in the appropriate values for language XXX.

Global Deployment Guide