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Reviewing the ADM Data Migration

Review an Application Deployment Manager (ADM) migration by:

  • Monitoring the status field of the deployment session record
  • Accessing the log file for the deployment session
  • Reviewing the EAI queue

For information on deployment sessions and the process for migrating data, see Process for Migrating Customizations Between Applications.

For background information on ADM, see About Migrating Customizations Between Applications.

Reviewing Deployment Session Status

The deployment session status field can have the values described in Table 5.

Table 5.  Deployment Session Status Field Values
Status Value


State of the deployment session after creation but prior to deployment.


State of the deployment session while in process of deployment.

Deployment Completed

State of a complete and successful deployment. See Accessing ADM Migration Log Files log file for further details on the deployment.

Deployment Failed

State of a failed deployment. See Accessing ADM Migration Log Files log file for details on why the deployment was unsuccessful.

Incomplete Deployment

State of an incomplete deployment. Incomplete deployment occurs when there are multiple items within the session. One of these items encountered an error while others completed successfully. Users need to copy the session and retry. Successful items could be inactivated.

Validation Failed

State of a deployment session that cannot access the target system (either password or target path is incorrect). A session with this status can be deployed again once the error is corrected.

NOTE:  With the exception of Validation Failed and New, all sessions must be copied or re-created to be deployed again.

Accessing ADM Migration Log Files

Access ADM migration log files to review or troubleshoot the migration of a deployment session. After a deployment session completes or fails, ADM creates a log file in the deployment session record. The log files provide details on any failures, as well as source and target environment information.

To access other migration logging in the EAI queue, see Accessing ADM Migration Logging from EAI Queue.

To access ADM migration log files

  1. From the application-level menu, choose Navigation > Site Map > Application Deployment Manager screen.
  2. From the link bar, click Deployment Sessions.
  3. In the Deployment Sessions list, click the deployment session record of interest.
  4. In the Log field, click on the log file number.
  5. Review log file details in the Log view.

Accessing ADM Migration Logging from EAI Queue

Migration logging data is also logged by default to the EAI queue in case of errors. This data is accessible from the Administration - Integration screen of the target system. For further information on the EAI queue, see Siebel Connector for SAP R/3.

NOTE:  A user property setting on the Session business component determines EAI Queue logging behavior: Never, Always, and On Error. File imports are always logged unless this property setting value is Never.

To access other ADM logging files, see Accessing ADM Migration Log Files.

To access ADM migration logging from EAI queue

  1. In the target system application-level menu, choose Navigation > Site Map > Administration - Integration screen.
  2. From the link bar, select EAI Queue.
  3. Search on the Session ID number or the prefix File_Import to locate EAI queue logging information for data deployed from a file.

    The EAI queue item contains the actual message in the form of an XML attachment. Each data type has a separate queue item created.

Going Live with Siebel eBusiness Applications