Siebel Hospitality Guide > Using the Function Space Diary >

Information Display Options in the Function Space Diary

The user can configure the information that appears in the Function Space Diary display using various controls.

Start Date

Click the calendar select button to choose the start day for the diary.

Time Scale

The Time Scale list of values includes:

  • Day/Day Part
  • Day/Hour
  • Day/Half-Hour
  • Day/Quarter-Hour
  • Month/Day-of-Week
  • Week/Day


This control allows the user to select different options for viewing booking information. For example, an event operations associate might only be interested in the setup styles, while a chef might only be interested in the meal periods. A revenue manager might only want to view the function types. Display options include:

  • Functions Name
  • Function Type
  • Business Type
  • Meal Period
  • Quote Name
  • Setup Style

When the user changes the display option, all of the bookings show the label selected by the user. For example, if the user selects setup style, then all the bookings appear with the setup style information. The previous display label becomes the ToolTip.

Turntimes Flag

Select this check box to display setup and tear down times using the pattern set up by the administrator. If this flag is deselected, then all bookings are shown without turntime indicators in the diary.

Siebel Hospitality Guide