A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W


account and segment discounts, setting up   1

Accounting Event Check report

about   1

generating and printing   1

Accounts screen   1

Activities screen   1

activities, adding to a quote   1


function, on a   1

room block, on a   1

addresses, creating for properties   1

administration screens, purpose of   1

administrator setup tasks

adding property records   1

assigning an employee to a property team   1

creating addresses for properties   1

creating sell notes for a property   1

defining property day parts   1

defining property facilities   1

defining room service attributes   1

deleting special dates   1

list of Hospitality workflow processes   1

list of setup tasks   1

process of setting up properties   1

removing an employee to a property team   1

setting up special dates   1

verifying workflows are active   1

viewing the Special Dates calendar   1

agreement, generating from a quote   1

arrival date

setting up adjustments for product pricing   1

updating at the quote level   1

assessment, adding to an opportunity   1

asset inventory status indicator

assigning status colors to inventory and assets   1

color scheme for inventory and asset statuses   1

defining turntime and time interval information   1


about and defined   1

assigning status colors to assets   1

AutoBook and Non-Critical assets   1

automatic reservation of critical assets   1

booking critical and non-critical assets   1

double booking and Availability Gantt Chart view   1

double booking critical and non-critical assets   1

locating a substitute asset   1

locating owner of the booked asset   1

process of booking   1

viewing asset availability and booking information   1

viewing assets associated with a product   1

Assets Administration screen   1

assets, setting up

about product categories   1

creating a parent category   1

creating a product category   1

creating generic catering products   1

creating generic room blocks   1

creating Hospitality assets   1

creating notes for categories   1

creating product subcategories   1

creating property-specific products   1

creating simple products   1

defining asset display method   1

mapping a generic catering product to property-specific product   1

mapping a generic room block to property-specific product   1

preparing a simple product base for a complex product   1

process of creating complex products   1

process of setting up products and assets   1

reviewing and validating product versions   1

simple and complex products   1


adding to an event opportunity   1

adding to an event order   1

creating for a quote   1

viewing an opportunity attachment   1

Audio/Visual Event Order type   1

Audit Trail option, activating   1

AutoBook and Non-Critical assets   1

automatic process, using Bypass button to circumvent   1

automatic reservation of critical assets   1

AVEO (Audio/Visual Event Order) type   1

average values, setting up   1

Back to top


backup of quote, about generating   1

Banquet Event Orders

freezing orders before event checks   1

generating and printing reports   1

report, displaying notes   1

reports, about   1

Baypass flag, managing at the opportunity stage   1



Best Fit Suite Only flag, about   1

Billing Group, reservation type and method definitions   1

billing information

adding to an opportunity   1

gathering and confirming   1

managing event deposits using bill-to-form   1

updating and verifying billing information   1

using bill-to-information in event sales   1


about and defined   1

AutoBook and Non-Critical assets   1

automatic reservation of critical assets   1

critical and non-critical assets   1

double booking and Gantt Chart view   1

locating a substitute asset   1

locating the owner of the booked asset   1

process of booking Hospitality assets   1

viewing asset availability and booking information   1

booking fee information, entering and tracking   1

Bypass button, using   1

Back to top


calendar, viewing Special Dates calendar   1


about creating product categories   1

about setting up profit series for categories   1

booking specific suites   1

booking suite categories   1

canceling a suite category   1

creating a parent category   1

creating a product category   1

creating notes for categories   1

creating product subcategories   1

reviewing all category line items   1

reviewing charge codes associated with a category   1

scheduling a function in a specific suite   1

category administration

associating categories with products   1

list of tasks   1

Category Administration screen   1

catering product pricing administration

about   1

price lists and catering products   1

setting up account and segment discounts   1

setting up arrival date adjustments for product pricing   1

catering products

about booking as assets   1

creating generic   1

mapping a generic catering product to property-specific product   1

catering, gathering and confirming function details   1

charge codes

about and process of defining   1

associating a service charge with a property   1

associating a tax code with a property   1

associating categories with products   1

associating charge codes with service charges   1

associating charge codes with tax codes   1

associating tax codes to service charges   1

charge code administration   1

creating a service charge   1

creating a tax code   1

defining charge codes   1

list of category administration tasks   1

process of setting up   1

reviewing charge codes associated with a category   1

service charge administration   1

tax code administration   1

viewing property-specific service charges   1

viewing property-specific taxes   1

colors, assigning status colors to assets   1

complex products

about   1

preparing a simple product base for a complex product   1

process of creating   1

reviewing and validating product versions   1

complimentary room pricing   1

configured space, defined   1

Contacts screen   1


function   1

room block line items   1

using to create multiple related functions   1

costing and profitability administrations

about setting up profit series for categories   1

about setting up profit thresholds   1

list of tasks   1

setting up sleeping room costing data   1

credit check information, entering for an event quote   1

Critical product resource type

about   1

automatic reservation of critical assets   1

booking   1

double booking   1

Back to top


Data Administration screen   1

date and time changes

inventory critical field   1

reserved room block, for a   1


deleting special dates for a property   1

viewing the Special Dates calendar   1

day parts

defining property day parts   1

process of defining   1

setting up property day parts   1

decoration and presentation, gathering and confirming function details   1

Definite, setting quote status to   1


room block line items   1

special dates for a property   1

deposits, managing event deposits   1

designation management information, gathering details   1


See Process of Using the FSI Diary

double booking

critical and non-critical assets   1

Gantt Chart view, and the   1

drag and drop operations, Function Space Diary   1

Back to top



assigning to a property team   1

removing to a property team   1

end-user screens, purpose of   1


about setting up equipment bundles   1

evaluation activities

assigning   1

creating an evaluation response   1

revenue manager approval with negative profit variance   1

Evaluations screen   1

event   1

event change management, pre-event confirmation details   1

Event Checks screen   1

event checks, generating

about   1

calculation rules for generating and displaying event checks   1

event check reports and printouts   1

freezing orders before event checks   1

generating a trial check for an event   1

generating for all orders in a day   1

generating for an individual order   1

guest and accounting event check rules   1

posting event checks   1

process of generating event checks   1

reviewing event checks   1

revising the order after the event   1

scenario   1

updating event orders   1

voiding event checks   1

event customer account, profiling   1

event deposit, managing using bill-to-form   1

event details

confirming event details scenario   1

confirming sleeping room details   1

event change management   1

gathering and confirming billing information   1

gathering and confirming function details   1

gathering and confirming parking and transportation   1

gathering and confirming special request information   1

process of confirming function space details   1

process of gathering and confirming event details   1

event functions, performing a time shift   1

event opportunity

about adding function agenda and line items   1

about querying for selected properties   1

adding a property to an opportunity   1

adding activities   1

adding an assessment   1

adding attachments   1

adding event billing information   1

adding notes to an event opportunity   1

adding room block information   1

capturing property information   1

copying a room block line item   1

creating a hierarchy of functions   1

deleting a room block line item   1

entering a function agenda   1

managing event deposits using bill-to-form   1

process of adding details   1

reservation type and method definitions   1

specifying function agenda line items   1

using bill-to-information in event sales   1

using Bypass button   1

using copy to create multiple related functions   1

using function agenda buttons   1

viewing an opportunity attachment file   1

event orders, generating and managing

about event order generation   1

adding attachments   1

adding notes   1

associating event orders to a function line item   1

changing the primary event   1

creating functions   1

event orders associated with a function   1

generating primary event orders   1

process of generating and managing   1

scenario   1

synchronizing functions and function line items   1

updating   1

viewing all orders associated with a quote   1

visibility and viewing event orders   1

event property

about time shifts for function spaces and sleeping rooms   1

adding activities to a quote   1

adding functions and function line items to a quote   1

adding quote notes   1

creating attachments for a quote   1

creating quote for   1

entering and tracking booking fee information   1

entering credit check information for an event quote   1

managing quote functions from the Function screen   1

modifying an event quote   1

modifying multiple quotes   1

process of adding details to event quote   1

quote summary functions list   1

quote summary negotiation rates list   1

quote summary revenue thresholds list   1

quote summary room block line items list   1

reviewing all category line items   1

reviewing all room block line items   1

reviewing average room block rates   1

reviewing function revenue estimates   1

reviewing quote details and review estimates   1

reviewing quote summary information   1

updating and verifying billing information   1

validating functions and function line items associated with a quote   1

event sales, using bill-to-information   1

event shifting, at the quote stage   1

event turnover checklist

completing and submitting   1

rejecting the turnover checklist   1

reviewing and accepting the turnover checklist   1

submitting the turnover to events management   1


generating a trial check for an event   1

revising the order after the event   1

Back to top


facilities, defining property facilities   1

features, new   1

freezing orders before event checks   1

FSI Diary

See Process of Using the FSI Diary

function agenda

about adding to an event opportunity   1

creating a hierarchy of functions   1

entering a function agenda   1

specifying function agenda line items   1

using copy to create multiple related functions   1

using function agenda buttons   1

Function Scheduling button, using   1

Function screen

about   1

managing quote functions   1

function space

about associating setup styles with suites   1

about pricing   1

assigning a setup style to a function space category   1

assigning a setup style to a property and associated a package   1

associating a specific space with a category   1

associating suites with a category   1

canceling a function   1

completing the detailing of a function   1

copying a function   1

creating a function space category   1

creating a sub function   1

creating a subfunction for the subfunction   1

creating an indivisible specific-space suite   1

creating configured space   1

creating sleeping rooms   1

defined and characteristics   1

defining function space inventory controls   1

defining setup style LOVs   1

designating as out of order   1

designating as unavailable   1

detailing a function   1

event change management   1

flagging a function for spacious set   1

gathering and confirming billing information   1

gathering and confirming function details   1

gathering and confirming parking and transportation   1

gathering and confirming special request information   1

inconsistent setup style and function space   1

optimizing setup styles for specific spaces   1

optioning function space   1

overbooking function space   1

process of confirming function space details   1

process of setting up   1

process of setting up suites for a property   1

reservation   1

room rentals   1

setting up a category for suites   1

setting up a configured specific space suite   1

setting up an indivisible specific space suite   1

setting up suite administration   1

setup style combinations, and   1

suite booking for functions   1

understanding function status values   1

unit of measure conversions for function space area   1

using Reserve and Next Fit to hold function space   1

Function Space Administration screen   1

Function Space Diary

about   1

Assign Method   1

defining asset display method   1

drag and drop operations   1

expanding all/collapsing all methods   1

Function Space Diary Revenue Management view   1

information display options   1

navigating to the Function Space Diary   1

overview   1

process of using   1

screen elements   1

total sleeping room availability   1

viewing function details   1

Function Space Diary Revenue Management view   1

function space pricing administration

about and tasks   1

defining a profit series and percentages   1

defining a threshold exception   1

defining function space pricing types and rental fees   1

defining function space threshold pricing   1

defining function space type exceptions   1

setting up pricing day parts   1

function spaces, defining

about time shifts for function spaces and sleeping rooms   1

assigning status colors to inventory and assets   1

color scheme for inventory and asset statuses   1

defining turntime and time interval information   1

setting up function space style translations   1

function status, and released inventory   1

function types, setting up   1


actualizing   1

adding attachments to an event order   1

adding functions and function line items to a quote   1

adding notes to an event order   1

associating event orders to a function line items   1

changing the primary event associated with a function   1

creating and managing event orders associated with a function   1

creating functions   1

managing quote functions from the Function screen   1

performing a time shift of event functions   1

synchronizing functions and function line items   1

validating functions and function line items associated with a quote   1

viewing all orders associated with a quote   1

visibility and viewing event orders   1

Back to top


Gantt chart calendar   1

General product resource type, about   1

government sleeping room pricing, defining   1

Guest Conveniences screen   1

Guest Event Check report

about   1

generating and printing   1

guest event checks

about   1

calculating rules for generating and displaying event checks   1

event check reports and printouts   1

reviewing event checks   1

voiding event checks   1

Back to top


home page, about and example   1

Home screen   1

Hospitality revenue management evaluation

See Hospitality Revenue Management

Back to top


indivisible space, defined   1

inventory controls, setting up

about defining suite inventory controls   1

defining function space inventory controls   1

defining sleeping room inventory controls   1

designating a function space as out of order   1

designating a function space as unavailable   1

process of setting up   1

inventory critical fields

about   1

date and time changes at the function level   1

date and time changes at the room block level   1

function space and setup style combinations   1

function status and released inventory   1

quote level   1

room block changes and availability checks   1

room block level   1

inventory reservation

about changing critical attributes   1

inventory critical fields at the function level   1

inventory status

assigning status colors to assets   1

booking critical and non-critical assets   1

double booking and Gantt Chart view   1

double booking critical and non-critical assets   1

locating a substitute asset   1

locating the owner of the booked asset   1

viewing asset availability and booking information   1

viewing assets associated with a product   1

inventory, working with

actualizing a function   1

actualizing a room block   1

background workflow processes at the quote level   1

booking specific suites   1

booking suite categories   1

canceling a function   1

canceling a suite category   1

canceling room blocks   1

changing attributes critical to inventory reservation   1

checking inventory availability   1

completing the detailing of a function   1

copying a function   1

creating a sub function   1

creating a subfunction for the subfunction   1

creating and reserving a new room block   1

detailing a function   1

event shifting at the quote stage   1

flagging a function for spacious set   1

function space reservation   1

inconsistent setup style and function space   1

inventory critical fields at the function level   1

managing function characteristics   1

managing functions at quote stage   1

managing property characteristics   1

managing room block characteristics   1

managing room blocks at the quote stage   1

optioning function space   1

overbooking a room block   1

overbooking function space   1

performing a time shift for room blocks   1

performing a time shift of event functions   1

process of working with   1

quote generation processes   1

reviewing group availability   1

reviewing SR Type Availability   1

reviewing total availability   1

reviewing total availability, about   1

reviewing total group availability   1

reviewing transient availability   1

scheduling a function in a specific suite   1

sleeping room availability logic   1

suite booking for functions   1

understanding function status values   1

unit of measure conversions for function space area   1

using reserve and next fit to hold function space   1

Back to top


Matrix Discount pricing, setting up   1

maximum price   1

menu, gathering and confirming function details   1

method definitions and reservation types   1

minimum price   1

Back to top


negotiation floor

modifying the negotiation floor rate   1

updating and reducing the negotiation floor   1

updating the existing negotiation rate   1

negotiation floor and exceptions

defining a profit series and percentages   1

defining a threshold exception   1

defining exceptions to the negotiation floor   1

defining function space pricing types and rental fees   1

defining function space threshold pricing   1

defining function space type exceptions   1

defining the negotiation floor   1

defining weekend prices   1

function space pricing administration   1

setting up   1

setting up pricing day parts   1

negotiation floor, defined   1

new features   1

Next Fit button, using to hold function space   1

No Banquet Event Orders (No Banquet Event Order)

about   1

Noise Flag, about   1

Non Critical product resource type

about   1

AutoBook and Non-Critical assets   1

booking   1

double booking   1

non participating properties

about pricing   1

quotes, and   1


adding notes to an event opportunity   1

adding quote notes   1

adding to an event order   1

creating notes for categories   1

displaying   1

Back to top


occupancy, and pricing   1

Opportunities screen   1

opportunities, capturing

about adding a function agenda and line   1

about querying for selected properties   1

adding a property to an opportunity   1

adding activities to the event opportunity   1

adding an assessment   1

adding attachment to an event opportunity   1

adding details to the event opportunity   1

adding event billing information   1

adding notes to an event opportunity   1

adding room block information   1

capturing property information   1

changing arrival date for the event opportunity   1

copying a room block line item   1

creating a hierarchy of functions   1

creating an opportunity   1

deleting a room block line item   1

entering a function agenda   1

managing event deposits using bill-to-form   1

process of capturing opportunities   1

profiling the event customer account   1

reservation type and method definitions   1

scenario   1

specifying function agenda line items   1

subfunctions at the opportunity stage   1

using bill-to-information in event sales   1

using Bypass button   1

using copy to create multiple related functions   1

using function agenda buttons   1

viewing an opportunity attachment file   1

opportunity stage

managing function characteristics   1

managing property characteristics   1

managing room block characteristics   1

Order Functions view, adding products   1

order pricing

about and quotes   1

calculating weighted average room rates   1

complimentary room pricing   1

function line item and revenue data repricing   1

function space pricing   1

function space room rentals   1

minimum and maximum price   1

pricing and room occupancy   1

pricing and the negotiation floor   1

profit and revenue thresholds   1

Refresh button   1

Reprice All button   1

Reprice button   1

sleeping room pricing   1

suite pricing   1

threshold calculation example   1

weekday and weekend pricing   1

order record visibility   1

Order screen   1


freezing before event checks   1

generating event checks for all orders in a day   1

generating event checks for an individual order   1

revising the order after the event   1

updating all orders in a day   1

updating individual orders   1

out of order, designating a function space   1


function space   1

room block   1

owner, locating the owner of the booked asset   1

Back to top


parent category, creating   1

parking and transportation, gathering and confirming   1

price lists

catering products   1

note, about using sample pricing model   1

setting up   1


calculating weighted average room rates   1

complimentary room pricing   1

minimum and maximum price   1

pricing and the negotiation floor   1

room occupancy, and   1

suite pricing   1

weekday and weekend pricing   1

Pricing Administration screen   1

pricing day parts, setting   1

pricing types, defining   1

primary event

changing primary event order   1

generating orders   1


Accounting Event Check report   1

Banquet Event Order report   1

Quote Summary report   1

Schedule of Events report   1

printouts, event check reports   1

Product Administration screen   1

product category

creating   1

creating notes for categories   1

creating product subcategories   1

product pricing

about creating a property pricing profile   1

about products and property pricing   1

about setting up profit series for categories   1

about setting up profit thresholds   1

catering product pricing administration   1

costing and profitability administration   1

creating a property pricing profile   1

creating default prices for sleeping rooms   1

creating exception to default prices for sleeping rooms   1

defining a profit series and percentages   1

defining a threshold exception   1

defining exceptions to the negotiation floor   1

defining function space pricing types and rental fees   1

defining function space threshold pricing   1

defining function space type exceptions   1

defining government sleeping room pricing types and rates   1

defining the negotiation floor   1

defining weekend prices   1

function space pricing administration   1

non participating properties pricing   1

note, about using sample pricing model   1

price lists and catering products   1

process of setting up product and property pricing   1

process of setting up sleeping room pricing   1

property pricing administration   1

setting up account and segment discounts   1

setting up arrival date adjustments for product pricing   1

setting up average values and function types   1

setting up price lists   1

setting up pricing day parts   1

setting up sleeping room costing data   1

setting up the negotiation floor and exceptions   1

sleeping room pricing administration   1

suite pricing administration   1

weekend and weekday property pricing   1

product versions, reviewing and validating   1


adding product to the Order Function view   1

associating categories with products   1

property pricing views   1

viewing assets associated with a product   1

products, setting up

about product administration   1

about product categories   1

creating a parent category   1

creating a product category   1

creating generic catering products   1

creating generic room blocks   1

creating Hospitality assets   1

creating notes for categories   1

creating product subcategories   1

creating property-specific products   1

creating simple products   1

defining asset display method   1

mapping a generic catering product to property-specific product   1

mapping a generic room block to property-specific product   1

preparing a simple product base for a complex product   1

process of creating complex products   1

process of setting up products and assets   1

reviewing and validating product versions   1

simple and complex products   1

profit and revenue thresholds

about   1

threshold calculation example   1

profit series

about setting up for categories   1

defining with percentages   1

profit thresholds, about setting up   1


about associating setup styles with suites   1

about querying for selected properties   1

adding a property to an opportunity   1

adding activities to a quote   1

adding functions and function line items to a quote   1

adding property records   1

adding quote notes   1

assigning a setup style to a function space category   1

assigning a setup style to a property and associated a package   1

assigning an employee to a property team   1

associating a service charge with a property   1

associating a specific space with a category   1

associating a tax code with a property   1

associating suites with a category   1

capturing property information   1

creating a function space category   1

creating addresses   1

creating an indivisible specific-space suite   1

creating attachments for a quote   1

creating configured space   1

creating quote for event property   1

creating sell notes for a property   1

creating sleeping rooms   1

defining property day parts   1

defining property facilities   1

defining room service attributes   1

defining setup style LOVs   1

deleting special dates   1

entering and tracking booking fee information   1

entering credit check information for an event quote   1

function space defined and characteristics   1

managing quote functions from the Function screen   1

modifying an event quote   1

modifying multiple quotes   1

optimizing setup styles for specific spaces   1

process of adding details to event quote   1

process of setting up function space   1

process of setting up properties   1

process of setting up suites for a property   1

quotes and non-participating properties   1

removing an employee to a property team   1

setting up a category for suites   1

setting up a configured specific space suite   1

setting up an indivisible specific space suite   1

setting up special dates   1

setting up suite administration   1

updating and verifying billing information   1

validating functions and function line items associated with a quote   1

viewing property-specific service charges   1

viewing property-specific taxes   1

viewing SR (sleeping room) type availability   1

viewing the Special Dates calendar   1

Property Administration screen   1

property day parts, setting up   1

property pricing

about creating a property pricing profile   1

about products and property pricing   1

about setting up profit series for categories   1

about setting up profit thresholds   1

catering product pricing administration   1

costing and profitability administration   1

creating a property pricing profile   1

creating default prices for sleeping rooms   1

creating exception to default prices for sleeping rooms   1

defining a profit series and percentages   1

defining a threshold exception   1

defining exceptions to the negotiation floor   1

defining function space pricing types and rental fees   1

defining function space threshold pricing   1

defining function space type exceptions   1

defining government sleeping room pricing types and rates   1

defining the negotiation floor   1

defining weekend prices   1

function space pricing administration   1

non participating properties pricing   1

note, about using sample pricing model   1

price lists and catering products   1

process of setting up product and property pricing   1

process of setting up sleeping room pricing   1

property pricing administration   1

property pricing views   1

setting up account and segment discounts   1

setting up arrival date adjustments for product pricing   1

setting up average values and function types   1

setting up price lists   1

setting up pricing day parts   1

setting up sleeping room costing data   1

setting up the negotiation floor and exceptions   1

sleeping room pricing administration   1

suite pricing administration   1

weekend and weekday property pricing   1

Property Pricing Administration screen   1

Property screen   1

property team

assigning an employee   1

removing an employee   1

property-specific products

creating   1

mapping a generic catering product to property-specific product   1

mapping a generic room block to property-specific product   1

Back to top


querying, about querying for selected properties   1

quick opportunity capture, using   1

quote and order pricing

about   1

calculating weighted average room rates   1

complimentary room pricing   1

function line item and revenue data repricing   1

function space pricing   1

function space room rentals   1

minimum and maximum price   1

pricing and room occupancy   1

pricing and the negotiation floor   1

profit and revenue thresholds   1

Refresh button   1

Reprice All button   1

Reprice button   1

sleeping room pricing   1

suite pricing   1

threshold calculation example   1

weekday and weekend pricing   1

quote evaluation

about   1

assigning evaluation activities   1

creating an evaluation response   1

revenue manager approval with negative profit variance   1

quote summary

functions list   1

negotiation rates list   1

revenue thresholds list   1

room block line items list   1

Quote Summary report

about   1

generating and printing   1


calculating weighted average room rates   1

completing and submitting the event turnover checklist   1

complimentary room pricing   1

confirming sleeping room details   1

evaluating the event quote   1

event change management   1

finalizing scenario   1

function line item and revenue data repricing   1

function space pricing   1

function space room rentals   1

gathering and confirming billing information   1

gathering and confirming function details   1

gathering and confirming parking and transportation   1

gathering and confirming special request information   1

generating an agreement from a quote   1

minimum and maximum price   1

order pricing and quotes   1

pricing and room occupancy   1

pricing and the negotiation floor   1

process of confirming function space details   1

process of finalizing a quote and managing turnover   1

process of gathering and confirming event details   1

profit and revenue thresholds   1

quote approval with negative profit variance   1

quote generation process   1

Refresh button   1

rejecting the turnover checklist   1

Reprice All button   1

Reprice button   1

responding to a quote evaluation   1

reviewing and accepting the turnover checklist   1

setting the quote status to Definite   1

sleeping room pricing   1

submitting a quote for revenue evaluation   1

submitting the turnover to events management   1

suite pricing   1

threshold calculation example   1

viewing all orders associated with quotes   1

weekday and weekend pricing   1

Quotes screen   1

quotes stage

background workflow processes at the quote level   1

booking specific suites   1

booking suite categories   1

canceling a function   1

canceling a suite category   1

canceling room blocks   1

completing the detailing of a function   1

copying a function   1

creating a sub function   1

creating a subfunction for the subfunction   1

creating and reserving a new room block   1

detailing a function   1

event shifting   1

flagging a function for spacious set   1

inconsistent setup style and function space   1

managing functions at quote stage   1

managing room blocks at the quote stage   1

optioning function space   1

overbooking a room block   1

overbooking function space   1

scheduling a function in a specific suite   1

sleeping room availability logic   1

suite booking for functions   1

understanding function status values   1

unit of measure conversions for function space area   1

using reserve and next fit to hold function space   1

quotes, managing property specific

about and process flow   1

about time shifts for function spaces and sleeping rooms   1

adding activities to a quote   1

adding functions and function line items   1

adding quote notes   1

creating attachments for a quote   1

entering and tracking booking fee information   1

entering credit check information for an event quote   1

generating an event quote   1

list of tasks   1

managing quote functions from the Function screen   1

modifying an event quote   1

modifying multiple quotes   1

process of adding details to event quote   1

quote summary functions list   1

quote summary negotiation rates list   1

quote summary revenue thresholds list   1

quote summary room block line items list   1

quotes and non-participating properties   1

reviewing all category line items   1

reviewing all room block line items   1

reviewing average room block rates   1

reviewing function revenue estimates   1

reviewing quote details and review estimates   1

reviewing quote summary information   1

scenario   1

updating and verifying billing information   1

validating functions and function line items   1

Back to top


Refresh button, using   1

released inventory, and function status   1

rental fees, defining   1


Accounting Event Check report   1

Banquet Event Orders reports   1

event check reports   1

generating and printing the Accounting Event Check report   1

generating and printing the Banquet Event Orders report   1

generating and printing the Guest Event Check report   1

generating and printing the Quote Summary report   1

generating and printing the Schedule of Events report   1

Guest Event Check report   1

process of generating   1

Quote Summary report   1

Schedule of Events reports   1

validating the Print Line in SOE   1

Reprice All button, using   1

Reprice button, using   1


AutoBook and Non-Critical assets   1

automatic reservation of critical assets   1

type and method definitions   1

Reserve button, using to hold function space   1

resource types, list of   1

revenue estimates

quote summary functions list   1

quote summary negotiation rates list   1

quote summary revenue thresholds list   1

quote summary room block line items list   1

reviewing and quote details   1

reviewing function revenue estimates   1

reviewing quote summary information   1

revenue management evaluation

about   1

completing the revenue evaluation form   1

evaluating the quote event   1

modifying the negotiation floor rate   1

responding a quote evaluation   1

revenue manager procedures   1

sales representative procedures   1

scenario   1

submitting a quote   1

updating and reducing the negotiation floor   1

updating the existing negotiation rate   1

revenue manager

modifying the negotiation floor rate   1

quote approval with negative profit variance   1

revenue management procedures   1

submitting a quote evaluation form   1

room blocks

actualizing   1

booking specific suites   1

booking suite categories   1

canceling a suite category   1

canceling room blocks   1

creating and reserving a new room block   1

inventory critical fields   1

managing at the quote stage   1

managing property characteristics   1

managing room block characteristics   1

overbooking a room block   1

performing a time shift   1

reviewing all room block line items   1

reviewing average room block rates   1

room block changes and availability checks   1

scheduling a function in a specific suite   1

sleeping room availability logic   1

Room Blocks screen   1

room service attributes, defining   1


about associating setup styles with suites   1

about time shifts for function spaces and sleeping rooms   1

adding room block information   1

assigning a setup style to a function space category   1

assigning a setup style to a property and associated a package   1

associating a specific space with a category   1

associating suites with a category   1

calculating weighted average room rates   1

copying a room block line items   1

creating a function space category   1

creating an indivisible specific-space suite   1

creating configured space   1

creating default prices for sleeping rooms   1

creating exception to default prices for sleeping rooms   1

creating generic room blocks   1

creating sleeping rooms   1

defined and characteristics   1

defining exceptions to the negotiation floor   1

defining government sleeping room pricing types and rates   1

defining setup style LOVs   1

defining the negotiation floor   1

defining weekend prices   1

deleting a room block line items   1

function space room rentals   1

mapping a generic room block to property-specific product   1

occupancy, and pricing   1

optimizing setup styles for specific spaces   1

pricing and the negotiation floor   1

process of setting up   1

process of setting up sleeping room pricing   1

process of setting up suites for a property   1

setting up a category for suites   1

setting up a configured specific space suite   1

setting up an indivisible specific space suite   1

setting up suite administration   1

setting up the negotiation floor and exceptions   1

sleeping room pricing administration   1

Back to top


sales representative

revenue management procedures   1

updating the existing negotiation rate   1

Schedule of Events

about   1

displaying notes   1

generating and printing   1

validating the Print Line   1


purpose of administration screens   1

purpose of end-user screens   1

searching, about querying for selected properties   1

segment discounts, setting up   1

sell note, creating for a property   1

service charges

about and process of defining   1

associating a tax code with a property   1

associating categories with products   1

associating charge codes with service charges   1

associating charge codes with tax codes   1

associating tax codes to service charges   1

associating with a property   1

charge code administration   1

creating a service charge   1

creating a tax code   1

defining charge codes   1

list of category administration tasks   1

process of setting up   1

reviewing charge codes associated with a category   1

service charge administration   1

tax code administration   1

viewing property-specific service charges   1

viewing property-specific taxes   1

setup style

combination, and function space   1

inconsistent setup style and function space   1

setup tasks

See Administrator Setup Tasks

simple products

about   1

creating   1

sleeping rooms

about associating setup styles with suites   1

about time shifts for function spaces and sleeping rooms   1

assigning a setup style to a function space category   1

assigning a setup style to a property and associated a package   1

associating a specific space with a category   1

associating suites with a category   1

availability logic   1

booking specific suites   1

booking suite categories   1

calculating weighted average room rates   1

canceling a suite category   1

canceling room blocks   1

complimentary room pricing   1

confirming sleeping room details   1

creating a function space category   1

creating an indivisible specific-space suite   1

creating configured space   1

creating default prices for sleeping rooms   1

creating exception to default prices for sleeping rooms   1

creating sleeping rooms   1

defined and characteristics   1

defining exceptions to the negotiation floor   1

defining government sleeping room pricing types and rates   1

defining setup style LOVs   1

defining sleeping room inventory controls   1

defining the negotiation floor   1

defining weekend prices   1

Function Space Dairy and total sleeping room availability   1

minimum and maximum price   1

optimizing setup styles for specific spaces   1

pricing   1

pricing administration   1

pricing and room occupancy   1

pricing and the negotiation floor   1

process of setting up   1

process of setting up sleeping room pricing   1

process of setting up suites for a property   1

scheduling a function in a specific suite   1

setting up a category for suites   1

setting up a configured specific space suite   1

setting up an indivisible specific space suite   1

setting up costing data   1

setting up suite administration   1

setting up the negotiation floor and exceptions   1

suite pricing   1

viewing SR (sleeping room) type availability   1

viewing Total Group Availability   1

weekday and weekend pricing   1

SOE (Schedule of Events)

generating and printing   1

reports   1

validating the Print Line   1


See Function Spaces, Sleeping Rooms, and Suites Administration

Spacious Set flag

about   1

flagging a function   1

Special Dates button

using for a date range   1

using for a particular property   1

Special Dates calendar

deleting special dates   1

setting up   1

viewing   1

special request information, gathering and confirming   1

SR Type Availability, viewing   1

status indicators

defining function space and asset status indicators   1

process of defining   1

suite booking, for functions   1

suite categories

about booking   1

booking specific suites   1

canceling a suite category   1

scheduling a function in a specific suite   1

suite pricing administration   1


about associating setup styles with suites   1

about defining suite inventory controls   1

assigning a setup style to a function space category   1

assigning a setup style to a property and associated a package   1

associating a specific space with a category   1

associating suites with a category   1

creating a function space category   1

creating an indivisible specific-space suite   1

creating configured space   1

creating sleeping rooms   1

defined and characteristics   1

defining setup style LOVs   1

optimizing setup styles for specific spaces   1

pricing   1

process of setting up suites   1

process of setting up suites for a property   1

setting up a category for suites   1

setting up a configured specific space suite   1

setting up an indivisible specific space suite   1

setting up suite administration   1

synchronizing, functions and function line items   1

Back to top


taste panel, gathering and confirming function details   1

Tax Service Administration screen   1


about and process of defining   1

associating a service charge with a property   1

associating a tax code with a property   1

associating categories with products   1

associating charge codes with service charges   1

associating charge codes with tax codes   1

associating tax codes to service charges   1

charge code administration   1

creating a service charge   1

creating a tax code   1

defining charge codes   1

list of category administration tasks   1

process of setting up   1

reviewing charge codes associated with a category   1

service charge administration   1

tax code administration   1

viewing property-specific service charges   1

viewing property-specific taxes   1

threshold and threshold values

defining   1

defining a threshold exception   1


about profit and revenue   1

threshold calculation example   1

time interval information and turntime, defining   1

time shifting

about for function spaces and sleeping rooms   1

performing for room blocks   1

performing of event functions   1

total availability

about and total availability list   1

reviewing   1

Total Group Availability, viewing   1


process of defining   1

setting up function space style translations   1

trial check, generating for an event   1


completing and submitting the event turnover checklist   1

confirming sleeping room details   1

event change management   1

gathering and confirming billing information   1

gathering and confirming function details   1

gathering and confirming parking and transportation   1

gathering and confirming special request information   1

generating an agreement from a quote   1

process of confirming function space details   1

process of finalizing a quote and manager turnover   1

process of gathering and confirming event details   1

rejecting the turnover checklist   1

reviewing and accepting the turnover checklist   1

scenario   1

setting the quote status to Definite   1

submitting the turnover to events management   1

turnover checklist

completing and submitting   1

rejecting the turnover checklist   1

reviewing and accepting the turnover checklist   1

submitting the turnover to events management   1

Turnover Evaluations screen   1

turntime and time interval information, defining   1

Back to top


unavailable, desiginating a function space   1

unit of measure conversions for function space area   1

Back to top


visibility, order record visibility   1

Back to top



pricing   1

property pricing   1


defining weekend prices   1

pricing   1

property pricing   1

workflow processes, activating

list of processes   1

verifying workflows are active   1

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Siebel Hospitality Guide