Siebel Hospitality Guide > Setting Up Inventory Controls >

Defining Out-of-Order and Unavailable Function Space at a Property

Function space is considered out of order when there is a physical issue that prevents the property from using the space. For example, if a water pipe breaks, flooding a function space, the function space is flagged as out of order for a specified period of time. The out-of-order designation is handled as a booking against the function space.

Function space is considered unavailable when the space is being used for other purposes, or the property's operations management decides that it does not make fiscal sense to have the space available for sale as function space. For example, a hotel's restaurant is open for dinner from 4 to 11 P.M. During that period, the restaurant is unavailable for sale as function space because it is being used to serve all the guests of the hotel and the local population. The restaurant's function space is designated as unavailable from 4-11 P.M. each day. However, the space may be available for sale at other times of the day.

Since unavailable and out-of-order function space is a revenue issue, the Property Pricing Admin screen is used. Revenue managers typically designate the function space as out of order and unavailable.

This task is a step in Process of Setting Up Inventory Controls.

To designate a function space as out of order

  1. From the application-level menu, choose Navigate > Site Map > Property Pricing Admin.
  2. In the Properties list, query for the property.
  3. In the property record, click the link in the Property Name field, and then click the Out of Order view tab.
  4. In the Out of Order list, create a new record, and in the Function Space field, select the appropriate function space.
  5. Complete the rest of the fields, specifying the start and end duration and the reason the function space is out of order, and then save the record.

To designate a function space as unavailable

  1. From the application-level menu, choose Navigate > Site Map > Property Pricing Admin.
  2. In the Properties list, query for the property, and in the property record, click the link in the Property Name field.
  3. Click the Unavailable view tab.
  4. In the Unavailable list create a new record, and in the Function Space field select the appropriate function space.
  5. Complete the rest of the fields, specifying the Frequency, Recurr Start Date Time, Recurr Start Time, Recurr End Date, Recurr End Time, and the reason the function space is unavailable.
  6. Save the record.

Siebel Hospitality Guide