Siebel Hospitality Guide > Generating Event Checks >

Posting Event Checks

After event order updates are completed, the events manager posts the event check for an individual order or posts the event checks for all orders on a specified day.

Posting the event check calculates the event check total (including taxes and service charges) for the order, and includes the final total in the Event Check. During this process, the Event Checks screen's Line Items (Guest) view appears, allowing the user to verify that the required taxes and service charges are included in the calculation. After the process is completed, the order status is set to Closed and the Status field in the Event Check record is set to Posted. At this point, the Event Check is finalized and can no longer be updated.

This task is a step in Process of Generating Event Checks.

To post an individual event check

  1. Navigate to the Orders screen > Event Order view.
  2. In the Event Orders list, query for the event order.
  3. In the Event Orders list, click Post Check.

To post all event checks for a day

  1. Navigate to the Orders screen > Event Order view.
  2. In the Event Orders list, query for the event orders that occur on a specified date.
  3. In the Event Orders list, click Post Day.

    A dialog box appears showing the current date.

  4. In the dialog box, change the date to the required date, and then click Post Checks.

    Each order that has a function on the specified date is posted.

    If there are no orders associated with the specified date, the following message appears:

    No matching records exist

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Siebel Hospitality Guide