Siebel Hospitality Guide > Setting Up Pricing and Property Pricing > Function Space Pricing Administration >

Defining Function Space Pricing Types and Rental Fees

The user can define benchmark rental fees for function space room types and define pricing exceptions using the Function Space Pricing Type list and the Function Space Rental Fees list.

The rental fees for each function space type may be adjusted according to the day of the week and the day part, as well as seasonal pricing variations. The property administrator must set up the defaults for daily rentals and then define any day part exceptions.

The administrator can define function space type prices at the category level, and the prices are applied to specific space associated with the category. Prices for specific space can be later modified, if necessary. If categories are not defined, the administrator defines prices for specific space.

This task is a step in Process of Setting Up Pricing and Property Pricing.

To define function space types and rental fees

  1. From the application-level menu, choose Navigate > Site Map > Property Pricing Admin.
  2. In the Properties list, select the property and click the link in the Property Name field.
  3. Click the Function Space Pricing Types view tab.
  4. In the Function Space Pricing Types list create a new record, complete the fields, and save the record.

    The following table describes some of the fields.


    Function Space

    Function Space defined for the property.


    Automatically populated based on the selected function space.


    Indicates whether the record is the default benchmark rental or an exception to the default rental fee.

    Start Date

    The start date of the exception. It is recommended that the user complete this field when the record is flagged as an exception.

    End Date

    The end date of the exception. It is recommended that the user complete this field when the record is flagged as an exception.


    Indicates whether or not the function space pricing is available for use.

  5. With the Function Space Type record selected, scroll to the Function Space Rental Fee list, and update the Rental field for each rental fee record.
  6. Save the records.

To define Function Space Type exceptions

  1. From the application-level menu, choose Navigate > Site Map > Property Pricing Admin.
  2. In the Properties list, select the property and click the link in the Property Name field.
  3. Click the Function Space Pricing Type view tab.
  4. In the Function Space Type list, create a new record, select the Exception check box, and complete the remaining fields.
  5. Scroll down to the Function Space Rental Fee list, and update the Rental field for each rental fee exception.
  6. Save the records.
Siebel Hospitality Guide