Siebel Hospitality Guide > Booking Hospitality Assets >

Viewing Asset Availability and Booking Information

You can view the availability of assets associated with a specific hospitality product and asset booking information using the Function Line Items Availability and Category Availability views. The Gantt charts in these views are read-only but you can change the time axis by selecting a different time scale and start date and then clicking Go.

In Figure 8, the highlighted red box represents an asset that is double-booked. By positioning the mouse pointer over the highlighted area, users can view information about the quote and function, and the asset availability start and end times.

Figure 8.  Asset Availability Gantt Chart
Click for full size image

If the catering product that the user is trying to reserve is already booked, the user can attempt to negotiate with the user that is holding the asset booking or try to find an alternative asset that meets the criteria.

Siebel Hospitality Guide