Siebel Hospitality Guide > Working with Inventory > Management of Functions at the Quote Stage >

Detailing a Function

Customers often block a large, configurable function room in which multiple, smaller breakout sessions are held. When the space is initially blocked, the detailed agenda of the breakout sessions is not known, and the space is blocked with a high-level agenda consisting of large contiguous blocks of time. As the event draws near, sales users or event managers create detailed subagendas in smaller time increments for the breakout sessions, apportioning the larger function space that was already blocked.

The sales user can book the detailed agendas into space that is already held without double-booking the inventory by creating subfunctions for a Detail function. For a subfunction, the Function Space field is editable because it is positioned under a function that is being detailed. Only function spaces included in the parent function space are listed for selection. In addition, when a function becomes a subfunction, its date and time become constrained by the parent function's date and time. It also loses previously held inventory.

A sales user can create a subfunction for another subfunction. For this secondary subfunction, the user cannot select a function space.

When the detailing is complete, the user selects the parent function and then clicks Detail Out from the menu. All subfunctions become established functions, and child subfunction of subfunctions become established subfunctions. The parent function is deleted.

Users can create a function with the Detail flag checked using the Quote Function view as long as the function is not a subfunction and a specific space is selected as a function space (not a function space category).

The steps below assume that a function with the Detail flag already exists in the Quote Function Line Item view. Although detailing is typically done at the quote level, users can also create a hierarchy of functions within the opportunity.

This task is a step in Process of Working with Event Inventory.

To create a subfunction

  1. Navigate to the Quotes screen > List view.
  2. In the Quotes list, query for the quote record.
  3. In the Quote record, click the link in the Name field.
  4. In the Quote Functions list, verify that a function record exists with the Detail flag selected and an Inventory Status of Reserved.
  5. In the Functions list, add a record and complete the fields.
  6. Click Move up and Move down to position the record below the detail function.
  7. Click Indent to make the new function a subfunction of the parent detail function.
  8. Select a function space for the subfunction and click Reserve.

To create a subfunction for another subfunction

  1. In the Functions list, add a record and complete the fields.
  2. Use Move up and Move down to position the new record below the previously created subfunction.
  3. Click Indent twice to make the record a subfunction of the first subfunction record created.
  4. Click Reserve.

To complete the detailing of a function

  1. In the Functions list, select the parent Detail function.
  2. Click the Menu button and choose Detail Out.
Siebel Hospitality Guide