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About the Guest Event Check Report

During the Event Check process, the event manager can create reports based on the Event Check record. During this process, a set of rules are applied to determine how line item details appear in the report. For more information on the display rules, see Generating Event Checks.

The Guest Event Checks report reflects the line item records in the Event Checks Screen > Line Items (Guest) view, which are transformed into the customer's version of the accounting department's Event Checks Report.

Figure 13 shows a sample Guest Event Check Report. The report consists of sections that provide information about the account, and a summary of the event check and its invoiced line items.

The top section provides general administrative information about the account and the event check. External notes that are created and associated with the event checks appear beneath the administrative section. Only external notes are allowed in the guest version of the Event Checks Report. If notes are not associated with the event check, the section does not appear in the report.

The line item records are listed beneath the administrative section. Detailed information about each line item and its prices includes the Item Name, Unit Price, Total Price, and Discount % or Discount Amounts.

Figure 13.  Sample Guest Event Check Report
Click for full size image

The records are subtotaled and other fees, including taxes and service charges, are applied to produce the Grand Total for the order. The report is an invoice used to track billing information associated to a particular order.

In addition to the rules used to generate the Event Check line items, another set of rules is applied when generating the Guest Event Checks Report from the records listed in the Event Checks record. These rules are:

  • Line Items are grouped by Product and then by Category Type.
  • Line Items with a $0 amount do not appear in the report.
  • Line Items show the applied Tax and Service Charge information at the end of the line.
  • Line items show the applied Discount % or Discount Amount at the end of the line.
Related Topics

Generating and Printing the Guest Event Check Report

Generating and Printing an Accounting Event Check Report

Siebel Hospitality Guide