Siebel Hospitality Guide > Setting Up Properties >

Setting Up Special Dates for a Property

Flagging certain days as special dates alerts sales representatives that the property wants additional revenue on the days. More than one Special Date per day can be set up at the property. Special Dates are typically set up by revenue managers.

This task is a step in Process of Setting Up Properties.

To set up special dates

  1. From the application-level menu, choose Navigate > Site Map > Property Pricing Admin.
  2. In the Property Pricing list, query for the property, and then click the link in the Property Name field.
  3. From the property form, click the Special Dates view tab.
  4. In the Special Dates list, create a new record and complete the fields.

    The following table describes some of the fields.


    Start Date

    Automatically defaults to the current date. Click the Calendar button in the field to change the date. After saving the record, click the link in the Start Date field to automatically navigate to the Special Dates Calendar. For more information, see Viewing the Special Dates Calendar.

    End Date

    End date of the special date. Defaults to the current date.


    Designates the type of record. Defaults to Need Sleeping Rooms. Change the type to reflect the need at the property. Options include Need Function Space, Holiday, Sell Notes, Special Events, and Sales Strategy.


    Description of the special date.

    Created By, Created Date

    The login of the person creating the special date record and the date the record was created.

    Last Updated By, Updated Date

    The login of the person who last updated the special date and the date the record was last updated.

To delete a special date

  1. In the Special Dates list, select the date record.
  2. Click Delete.
Siebel Hospitality Guide