Siebel Hospitality Guide > Setting Up Pricing and Property Pricing > Discount Pricing Administration >

Setting Up Account and Segment Discounts

Account rules are pricing adjustments that are met when certain accounts are specified within a quote or an order. Account pricing rules apply to a product line and include an adjustment type, adjustment value, start date, and end date.

If different accounts have distinct prices, then multiple pricing rules may need to be set up. The account rules can be based on account or parent account.

Segment rules are pricing adjustments that are applied when certain segments are identified for a quote or an order (for example, a segment defined as Corporate may get a special discount rate). Segment pricing rules, which are date-range specific, apply to a product line and include an adjustment type, adjustment amount, start date and end date.

Use the following procedure to define account and segment discounts under the Matrix Series view. This task is a step in Process of Setting Up Pricing and Property Pricing.

To set up account and segment discounts

  1. From the application-level menu, choose Navigate > Site Map > Property Pricing Admin.
  2. In the Properties list, select the property, and click the link in the Property Name field.
  3. Select the Matrix Series view tab.
  4. In the Matrix Series list select an existing Matrix Series, or create a new one.
  5. Scroll down to the Price Details list, add a record and complete the fields.
Siebel Hospitality Guide