Siebel Loyalty Administration Guide > Setting Up Siebel Loyalty Promotions > Process of Creating Loyalty Promotions >

Creating Attributes for Loyalty Promotions

Attributes represent properties of objects which are used by criteria. Criteria can compare an attribute to a value or compare an attribute to another attribute.

Attributes generally represent fields in records, such as the Transaction record or the Member record. For example, to create a promotion that only applies to Platinum members, you must create an attribute representing the Tier field of the Member record. Then, as one of the criteria for this promotion, you create a criteria saying that this attribute equals Platinum.

All the types of attributes are summarized in Table 8.

Table 8.  Types of Attributes
Attribute Type
Promotion Type Used By

Member Attributes

Name - Value pairs maintained for each member. These instances are created only when the attribute has to be updated for a member first time.



Member Field Attributes

Fields of the Member record.

Editable if the field is editable.


Member Tier Attributes

Fields of the Tier record for the member's tier.

Editable if the field is editable.


Point Totals Attributes

Calculated value equal to the points of the specified type accrued over the specified number of months.



Transaction Attributes

Fields of the Transaction record


Rewards/Transaction Rules

Promotion Specific Attributes

Fields of the Promotion Bucket.

Editable if the field is editable.


Member Tier Class

The current value of a member's tier within a tier class. This is created internally for each tier class and not exposed to the user.



This task is a step in Process of Creating Loyalty Promotions.

Creating Promotion Specific Attributes

Promotion specific attributes are used in only one promotion. They represent fields of the promotion bucket. The Promotion Bucket is an intersection of the Member and Promotion records, and it has additional fields that are used for attributes to store values specific to the promotion.

To create promotion specific attributes

  1. Navigate to the Loyalty Promotions Administration screen.
  2. Click the name of the Promotion that the attribute will apply to.
  3. Click the Promotion Specific Attributes view tab.
  4. Add a new record to the Promotion Specific Attributes list, and complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table.

    Attribute Type

    Select a type. Attribute types are described in Table 8.


    Select this check box to make the attribute available for use in criteria and actions.


    Select the field that the attribute represents. For information about specifying which fields are available, see Changing the Fields Used in Loyalty Attributes.


    Enter a default value that will be used when the attribute is created for a member for the first time.

    Data Type

    Select the data type of the attribute. If you selected a field, its data type is displayed automatically.

    Pick List

    Select this check box if the attribute is a field whose values are entered using a picklist. Then, when you are defining criteria and actions, the application will display the picklist with the values for this field.

    Pick Applet

    Select this check box if the attribute is a field whose values are entered using a dialog box. Then, when you are defining criteria and actions, the application will display the dialog box with the values for this field.

    Pick Field

    The pick field is that field whose value the user sees in the UI after selecting from the pick applet.

Creating Member or Member Tier or Transaction Attributes

Member attributes represent fields in the member record.

Member tier attributes represent fields in the Tier record for the member's tier.

Transaction attributes represent fields in the Transaction record.

To create member or member tier or transaction attributes

  1. Navigate to the Loyalty Programs Administration screen.
  2. Click the Program Id of the Program that the attribute will apply to.
  3. Click the Program Level Attributes view tab.
  4. Add a new record to the Program Level Attributes list.
  5. In the link bar, click Member Attributes, Tier, or Transaction.
  6. Add a record to the Program Level Attributes list and complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table.


    Select the field that the attribute represents.

    Read Only

    Select this check box to make the field read only, even if it is an editable field in the record.

Creating Point Totals Attributes

Point totals attributes represent the number of points that a member has accrued over a period of time.

For example, you would use this attribute to create a promotion saying that any member who earns one thousand points in two months will get one hundred bonus points.

To create point totals attributes

  1. Navigate to the Loyalty Programs Administration screen.
  2. Click the Program Id of the Program that the attribute will apply to.
  3. Click the Program Level Attributes view tab.
  4. Add a new record to the Program Level Attributes list.
  5. In the link bar, click Point Totals.
  6. Add a record to the Program Level Attributes list and complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table.

    Point Type

    Select the point type.

    Total Over # of Months

    Enter the number of months that the points are totaled over.

Siebel Loyalty Administration Guide