Siebel Marketing User Guide > Planning and Designing Marketing Campaigns >

Loading Customers in Campaigns

When you load a campaign, the campaign members are added to the campaign history by loading segments and lists (as well as any names added manually using the user interface). For information about segments, see Marketing Segments and Segment Trees.

The following types of lists are used by Siebel Marketing and Siebel Campaigns:

  • External lists. You can import purchased or rented lists into your Siebel system using List Management. When you use List Management with Siebel Data Quality you can scrub lists for duplicates during the import process. For details, see Importing and Managing External Lists.
  • Internal lists. You can also use List Management to maintain lists created from records that already exist in your contacts or prospects databases. For details, see Creating and Managing Internal Lists.
  • D&B lists. D&B lists are generated from D&B libraries of companies based on criteria you define. The D&B module provides a library of incorporated businesses that you can market to. Using the D&B screen you can create a list of D&B contacts to use in your campaign. For details, see the chapter about D&B in Applications Administration Guide.

To load customers in a campaign, you perform the following tasks:

Siebel Marketing User Guide