Siebel Marketing User Guide > Planning and Designing Marketing Campaigns > Creating Campaigns >

Creating a Campaign

Use this procedure to create a campaign in the Campaigns screen.

To create a new campaign

  1. Use the step in the following list that applies to your product:
    • In Siebel Marketing, navigate to the Campaigns screen.
    • In other Siebel applications, navigate to the Campaign Management screen.
  2. In the Campaigns list, add a new record.
  3. In the Campaigns form, complete the fields.

    Some fields are described in Table 15. To view all fields in the Campaigns form, click the Show more button.

  4. Complete the necessary fields for the campaign record, using Table 15 as a guide.
    Table 15.  Frequently Used Fields for a Campaign Record

    Approval Status

    If the value is Revised, the campaign is still being revised.

    Assigned Budget

    The amount of money approved to spend for the campaign.

    Budget Request

    If the campaign has been submitted as part of a Budget Request, the Budget Request ID appears.

    Campaign Code

    Automatically added. You can type a source code for the campaign, or use the default record ID for the code.

    The source code for this campaign is available for use as part of the source code format for the program. The value must be unique.


    The internal division responsible for the campaign.


    The telephone number associated with the campaign. This number must be set up separately in Siebel CTI (Computer Telephony Integration). The DNIS field for a campaign is used in CTI to query for this campaign and drive a screen pop to this campaign. See Siebel Communications Server Administration Guide for more information.

    Type only numerals in this field. Do not use hyphens, spaces, parentheses, periods, or any characters other than numbers.

    Execution Period

    The predefined time period during which the campaign will be active.


    The language in which the call script and offer was created. If no language is specified, the selected SmartScript runs in the default language for the application. If the script does not have a translation for the language selected, you will get an error when trying to run the script.

    Lead Partner

    If a lead partner was assigned at the program level and the campaign associated with that program does not have a lead partner, the campaign inherits the lead partner from the program. The choice of Lead Partner is limited to the organizations associated with the campaign.

    You can change the value, selecting from any of the partners associated with a campaign or campaign. This lead partner will be copied to any campaigns created from this campaign and to responses or opportunities that result from this campaign.


    The name of the campaign.

    You can have two campaigns with the same name but the campaign code for each campaign must be unique.


    The predefined organization that is responsible for the campaign. You can choose more than one organization.

    You can also associate Partner Organizations with the campaign. Partner organizations are created and administered through Partner Administration. For more information, see Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide.

    Planned Start/Planned End

    The planned start date defaults to the date you created the campaign. The planned end date defaults to 30 days later.

    These dates do not affect launching campaigns. A campaign will launch even if the planned end date has passed.


    The priority level for the campaign. This value can be used to refine contact frequency rules in segmentation criteria. For example, to exclude customers that have been targeted by a Priority 1 campaign in the last 30 days.

    Product Lines

    You can associate product lines to the campaign to help categorize the campaigns in the system.


    You can associate products to the campaign to help categorize the campaigns in the system.


    This field is automatically completed when the campaign is associated with a specific marketing program.


    In the Plan view tab. The purpose of a campaign—for example, "To cross sell products to existing customers."


    Choose from the list the region in which the campaign will be active.


    Select a call script, if needed, to guide the agent's interaction with the customer. To appear in the list, scripts must be set up in advance using Siebel SmartScript. For instructions, see Siebel SmartScript Administration Guide.

    The call script starts when an agent clicks the Script button in the Campaign Contacts or Prospects view.

    You can use the Call Guide as an alternative to a SmartScript call script.

    If more than one script is associated with a campaign, the script flagged as primary runs when the agent clicks the Script button.


    This field is automatically populated with stage information when the campaign is associated with a specific program's stage.


    By default, campaign status is Planned (start and end dates in the future). Status values may be changed at any time. During automatic program execution, the status automatically changes to active when a campaign is loaded. At the conclusion of the program, the campaign's status automatically changes to completed. If the program is executed manually, status does not automatically change.

    To change the status, use the status drop-down list to choose Active (start date in the past and end date in future) or Completed (start and end date in the past).


    Choose from the list the type of campaign you are creating. Options include Acquire, Retain, Win-Back, Cross-Sell, and Up-Sell.

Siebel Marketing User Guide