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Creating and Editing Offer Templates

Offer templates are available in Siebel Marketing, Siebel Web Marketing, and Siebel Campaigns. You can create a template using HTML tools or text editors such as Microsoft Front Page and Windows Notepad. After creating a template, you add the file to the template list and associate the template with an offer. After you associate a template with an offer you can edit (for example, adding personalization elements), verify, and preview text and HTML templates by drilling down on the template name hyperlink.

Offer templates can be associated with the following offer types:

  • Fax offers. For more information on Fax offers, see About Fax Offers.
  • Email offers. When creating an email offer, you can use the Email Templates view tab to associate a template with the offer.
  • Web offers. When creating a Web Offer, you can use the Edit Web Offer view tab to associate a template with the offer.

You can modify template files using your preferred HTML editor or Siebel HTML Editor. When you upload the changed template to the server, you overwrite the original template and all the offers associated with that template inherit the edited template.

Before a template has been added to (associated with) an offer, you can modify the template using your preferred HTML editor. After an offer template has been added to an offer, you can edit the template and add personalization elements in the Offers screen (Edit views).

CAUTION:  You should establish a version-control policy for template changes. Any changes made to a template through the Edit views will appear in all of the offers that use that template. Templates can be found in the Marketing file system.

To create and edit offer templates, perform the following tasks:

Siebel Marketing User Guide