Siebel Marketing User Guide > Creating and Using Offers > Creating and Editing Offer Templates >

Editing a Template That Is Associated with an Offer

After you add a template to an offer, you can edit it in the following ways:

  • Edit a template in the Offers screen. Make basic changes to your template using Siebel HTML Editor or a text editor. In the Edit views of the Offers screen, you click Edit Template in the Edit Email, Edit Web Offer, or Edit Fax view tabs.

    If you created your template as an HTML file, Siebel HTML Editor renders the HTML source (tags and text) and allows you to modify the rendered HTML. It does not allow you to modify the HTML source directly, so this is not the tool to use to add HTML tags explicitly into your template.

    If you created your template as a text file, a text editor displays the offer contents for editing. Previewing allows you to verify the offer's syntax, including merge fields and embeddable objects.

  • Modify a template using your default HTML editor. Use to export the template file, make changes, and import the template file back into the Siebel file system. Examples of content editors are Microsoft Front Page and Notepad. For more information, see Editing a Template Using Your Default HTML Editor.

To edit an offer template in the edit views of the Offers screen

  1. Navigate to the Offers screen.
  2. From the Offers link bar, select an email, fax, Web, or Wireless offer or in the Offers list, select an email, fax, Web, or wireless offer and click the appropriate templates view tab.
  3. Select the template you want to change and click the appropriate edit view tab.
  4. Click Edit Template to open the template for editing and start the appropriate editor.

    One of the following editors starts:

    • Text editor. You use this tool to make simple changes to the text. The text editor starts by default, if the selected template is a text (.txt) file.
    • Siebel HTML editor. You can use this tool to make more complex changes than you can make in a text editor. The Siebel HTML editor starts by default, if the selected template is an HTML file (HTM or HTML file extension). For more detail, see Using the Siebel HTML Editor.
  5. To edit the contents of the template, click in the Template Contents workspace to display the editor's toolbar.

    The editor's toolbar does not display until you click in the workspace.

  6. From the Personalization Categories list, select a category type (for example, Merge Fields), and then copy (CTRL+C) and paste (CTRL+V) personalization elements from that category into the email offer template.

    For details, see About Personalization Categories.

  7. When you finish making changes, click Save Template.
  8. Click Verify & Preview to preview your changes and verify that the template still performs correctly.

Repeat Step 4 through Step 8 to continue editing the template.

Using the Siebel HTML Editor

You can use Siebel HTML Editor to make changes to your HTML template. To make more complex changes than allowed in the Siebel HTML Editor, see Editing a Template Using Your Default HTML Editor.

To make changes using the Siebel HTML Editor, you type your changes directly in the workspace. In addition, you can use the editing toolbar at the bottom of the Template Contents workspace for formatting text. Most of the buttons on the toolbar are the same buttons that appear in standard text editing software. For more information about the export and import buttons, see Editing a Template Using Your Default HTML Editor.

CAUTION:  In the HTML editor, you must explicitly save your changes using one of the save functions in the application. You can click the Save Template button when it is available, or you can select Save Record after clicking a list or form menu button. The CTRL+S keyboard shortcut does not work in the HTML Editor workspace. If you want to use this keyboard shortcut, you must step off the editor into another field before clicking CTRL+S.

Editing a Template Using Your Default HTML Editor

If you want to make more complex changes or if you are more comfortable making changes in your HTML editor, you can export the template file, use your preferred (default) HTML editor, and import the file back into the Siebel file system. To use this method, perform the following tasks:

  • Set your default HTML editor.
  • Map the User Environment variable called TEMP to your local Temp folder.
  • Edit a template file using your default HTML editor.

To set your default HTML editor

  1. Open your Web browser.
  2. Set your default HTML editor in the browser's user preferences.

    For example, in Microsoft Internet Explorer, you find the HTML editor setting in the Tools application menu, using the following path:

    Tools > Internet Options > Programs

  3. Save your changes.

To map the User Environment variable to your local temporary folder

  1. From the Windows task bar, choose Start > Settings > Control Panel.
  2. Double-click System and perform Step 3 for Windows NT or Step 4 for Windows 2000.
  3. If you use Windows NT, perform the following steps.
    1. Click Environment.
    2. Select the User Variables window.
    3. In the User variables for [username] workspace, in the Variables column, select TEMP.
    4. Click Set.
  4. If you use Windows 2000, perform the following steps.
    1. Click the Advanced tab and click Environment Variables.
    2. In the User variables for [username] workspace, in the Variables column, select TEMP and click Edit.
    3. In the Edit Variables dialog box, in the Variables Value field, type c:\temp.
    4. Click OK in each dialog box until you return to your desktop.

To edit a template file using your default HTML editor

  1. Navigate to the Offers screen.
  2. From the Offers link bar, select the type of offer.
  3. In the selected offers list, select an offer, and click the appropriate templates view tab.
  4. Select the template you want to change, and click the appropriate edit view tab.
  5. Click Edit Template to open the template for editing, and start the appropriate editor.
    1. To display the editor's toolbar, click in the Template Contents workspace.

      The editor's toolbar does not display until you click in the workspace.

    2. Edit the contents of the template.
  6. In the HTML Editor toolbar, click the export button.

    The default editor starts and the template file opens for editing.

  7. In the Editor menu, choose save to save the template file on your local machine.

    This saves the template file in your desktop/temp directory with the file name of template.htm.

  8. Make changes to the template and save the file.

    CAUTION:  Do not change the file name. If you change the file name, the application will not be able to automatically locate the file and you will have to manually locate the file and location while importing.

  9. In the HTML Editor toolbar, click the import button.
  10. In the Import dialog box, select the template you want to import, and click Open.

    By default, template.htm is automatically selected. If you need to import a different file, locate and select the appropriate file.

  11. In the Edit Email list, click Save Template.
Siebel Marketing User Guide