Planning an Upgrade to Siebel 7 > Planning an Upgrade > Assessing the Current Siebel Environment >

Repository Object Assessment

Determine what configuration changes were made during development of your current repository, and estimate the effort to migrate the configuration to the new version of your Siebel application.

Data Objects

When a new version of Siebel applications includes changes to the data model, some tables become obsolete or are replaced by new tables in the new version. For a list of obsolete tables and their equivalent replacements in the new version, see the Upgrade Guide for the operating system you are using.

Review the following objects in your current repository to identify preupgrade configuration tasks:

  • Extensions to obsolete tables. You must reconfigure these extensions in the new version and manually migrate data stored in these tables to the new version.
  • Custom foreign key columns that point to obsolete tables. You must reconfigure each column to point to the equivalent table in the new version.
  • EIM mappings that reference obsolete tables. You must reconfigure these mappings in the new version.
  • Mappings for tables related to 7.x access control (S_PARTY). You must reconfigure these mappings in the new version.
  • Conflicts between custom indexes and standard indexes. You must resolve any identified conflicts.
  • Workflow policy program objects based on extensions to obsolete tables. You must remap workflow objects (such as assignment attributes, workflow policy columns, or workflow policy objects) to valid columns in new version.

Business Objects

Review the following business objects to identify configurations based on obsolete tables or tables that are part of the access control (S_PARTY) model:

  • Joins invalidated by the new data model.
  • Links invalidated by the new data model.

User Interface Objects

When upgrading from version 5.x or 6.x to Siebel 7, the postupgrade task of migrating user interface objects, such as applets and views, to the Siebel 7 Web client may result in layout changes that will require additional adjustment and configuration.

Review user interface objects to identify those that are likely to require more configuration work after the upgrade. For example, look for the following characteristics of a highly customized user interface in pre-Siebel 7 architecture:

  • A large number of controls (more than 70) on a single applet.
  • A highly customized dot-com application with extensive changes to Web templates and use of JavaScript in the template file itself.

NOTE:  Release 7.5.3 product enhancements may eliminate the requirement for this effort. See the Upgrade Guide for your operating system for more information.

Searching for Modified Objects

To find changes to objects in the repository you can use Siebel Tools to query for objects that have changed since a given date. In Siebel Tools, choose View > Options, and then in the Changed Date section of the General tab, enter the date and time on which development in the current repository began. All records changed since that date will be marked as changed. You can then select the Flat tab in the Object Explorer, select an object type, and then in the Object List Editor, query for records that have a non-null value in the changed property field.

You can also populate the Prior Custom and New Standard repositories inside the Tools >Upgrade > Upgrade Application view of Siebel Tools. Prior Standard and New Custom are left blank. Click the Merge button to create a list of changes to all object types.

For detailed information, see the Upgrade Guide for the operating system you are using. For example, Upgrade Guide for Microsoft Windows or Upgrade Guide for UNIX.

Planning an Upgrade to Siebel 7