Siebel Public Sector Guide > Managing Health Threats and Response >

Searching for Information on Health Topics

Public health call center agents search for information to provide to callers using a knowledgebase containing FAQs, documents, and information. When information is incomplete or missing, agents escalate a request for information to public health specialist. New content is created, approved, and released for use by the agents.

This topic is a step in the Process of Managing Public Health Cases.

To search for health information

  1. From the tool bar at the top of any screen, click the Search icon (binoculars) to begin the search.
  2. In the Search form, select Diseases in the Look In field.
  3. In the Name field, enter the name of the disease, and then click Search.
  4. In the Results view, select the record, and then click the link in the disease Name field.

    This action highlights the disease record in the All Diseases list.

    Close the Search view if desired.

  5. In the All Diseases view, select the disease record and then click the link in the Name field.
  6. From the disease details form, click the appropriate view tab to access Attachments, Cases, FAQs, Medications, Service Requests, and Training associated with the disease.
  7. Click the FAQs view tab, and locate the appropriate item for the customer's request in the list.
  8. Open the FAQ by clicking the link in the Name field.
Siebel Public Sector Guide