Siebel Public Sector Guide > Overview of Siebel Public Sector >

Key Features of Siebel Public Sector

Siebel Public Sector provides an integrated foundation for complex case, service, and agency management, and addresses the initiative towards performance-driven government. Using Siebel Public Sector, government and municipal agencies can manage:

  • Case information from initial referral through case investigation, and benefits delivery.
  • Self-service processes for information, eligibility assessment, single-application filing for multiple programs, and claims management.
  • Communications for agency-to-citizen, agency-to-agency, and agency-to-third party providers.
  • Assignment of high volumes of cases to employees with the right skills and availability.
  • Data integration from multiple channels and back-office applications, giving case workers a comprehensive view of the citizen.
  • Team collaboration and information sharing among employees, agencies and partner organizations working on a case.
  • Case management analysis reports.

Customer relationship management (CRM) technology has become increasingly relevant in the public sector as citizens accustomed to high levels of service and convenience in the private sector demand a comparable level of service in the public sector. Government agencies share a common set of imperatives that require efficient processes that address citizen needs, and deliver the highest return on government and taxpayer investments. These imperatives include:

Improving Citizen Service

In addition to requests for improving the quality and speed of public services, citizens want to be able to interact with government agencies using the channels that best suit their needs. These channels might be the Web, telephone, face to face meetings, mail, and fax.

Streamlining Case Management

Government agencies process millions of cases annually; the majority of these cases are managed with legacy tools and paper-based processes. The result is a costly, time-consuming, and often frustrating process for both citizens and agency employees.

Increasing Employee Productivity

Many governments face the challenge of providing additional services to an increasingly demanding public, with a reduced workforce and diminished resources.

Closing Budget Gaps

To alleviate budget pressures, governments are reducing costs by eliminating ineffective programs, and are looking for ways to generate additional revenue by developing more efficient methods to collect fees and taxes.

Improving National Security

National security is of paramount importance, and government agencies are looking for more effective interagency information sharing, and public notification.

Table 2 describes how Siebel Public sector provides solutions for key business issues and challenges.

Table 2.  Siebel Public Sector Solutions for Key Business Issues
Business Issue
Siebel Public Sector Solutions

Citizen Response

Siebel Public Sector equips customer service representatives in government call centers with timely, accurate information that can be used to respond to citizen and business inquiries. Work orders are efficiently opened and routed to appropriate departments, and Siebel Public Sector Analytics provides insight into the efficiency and effectiveness of government operations.

Benefits Case Management for Human Services

Siebel Public Sector provides social services agencies with an integrated case management application that can be used throughout the life cycle of each case. By consolidating citizen information from case initiation to close, and by enabling a workflow-driven case flow, Siebel Public Sector allows agencies to provide timely service and rapid case resolution. Increased employee productivity and more consistent and accurate case outcomes reduce paperwork time, lower the case appeal rate, and reduce case fraud.

Defense Personnel and Logistics Services

Using Siebel Public Sector, military organizations can provide soldier-centric services, bolstering efforts to recruit, retain, and reward those serving in the armed forces while reducing taxpayer costs. Militaries can manage logistics and field service operations more efficiently.

Single View of Taxpayer

Siebel Public Sector helps tax agencies better integrate disparate taxpayer systems in order to provide a consolidated, single view of taxpayers, the taxpayer's past history, and outstanding balances owed by the taxpayer. Taxpayer case management and audits are improved and streamlined.

Revenue Management

Siebel Public Sector assists agencies in growing and maintaining their customer base using targeted outreach campaigns, streamlined licensing processes, and providing improved customer service supported by the same suite of software applications. Government agencies can focus on revenue generation while reducing customer service expenses.

Immigration Services

Immigration and citizenship agencies face an increasing flow of people and goods across borders, along with increases in citizenship applications. With Siebel Public Sector, agencies can not only maintain better records of visitors and their stays, but also share visitor information securely with collaborating agencies. Citizenship agencies can better manage application, test, and hearing procedures while improving their global case management capabilities.

Siebel Public Sector Guide