Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications > Security Adapter Authentication > Installing LDAP Client Software >
Installing the IBM LDAP Client and GSKit on Solaris
This section describes different methods of installing the IBM LDAP Client and GSKit on Solaris platforms. Installation When Non-IBM LDAP Files Exist on Your System
During the installation of the IBM LDAP Client on Solaris machines, you might encounter the following message: A non-IBM version of LDAP has been located on your system.
In order to use the command-line version of the IBM-supplied files, the existing files (ldapadd, ldapdelete, ldaplist, ldapmodify, ldapmodrdn, ldapsearch) must be relocated.
To relocate non-IBM LDAP files encountered during installation
- Specify the new directory to which to move the non-IBM LDAP files:
(/usr/bin/ldapsparc) [?,q]
- Press Enter to accept the default directory (/usr/bin/ldapsparc), or type a new path name and press Enter, or type q and press Enter to quit.
After relocating the files, you might see these additional messages:
## Processing system information.
WARNING: /usr/bin/ldapadd <no longer a linked file>
WARNING: /usr/bin/ldapdelete <no longer a regular file>
WARNING: /usr/bin/ldapmodify <no longer a regular file>
WARNING: /usr/bin/ldapmodrdn <no longer a regular file>
WARNING: /usr/bin/ldapsearch <no longer a regular file>
## Verifying package dependencies.
## Verifying disk space requirements.
## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed.
The following files are already installed on the system and are being used by another package:
Do you want to install these conflicting files [y,n,?,q]
- Type y and press Enter to continue the installation. The existing files are moved to the directory previously specified and the IBM LDAP Client files are installed in the /usr/bin directory.
Installing with Console Mode (Interactive) on Solaris
Use the procedures below to install the IBM LDAP Client and GSKit on Solaris platforms using the interactive console mode. Separate procedures are provided for installing IBM LDAP Client and IBM GSKit. To install IBM LDAP Client on Solaris—console mode
- Login as root.
- Insert the DVD Siebel eBusiness Applications, Base Applications for Solaris. Then navigate from the DVD root directory to the folder Solaris\Server_Ancillary\ibmldap51.
- Copy the file ids510fp2refresh-solaris-client-us.tar to an empty directory that has at least 50 MB of available space.
- Enter the following command:
tar -xvf ids510fp2refresh-solaris-client-us.tar
The directory ids510fp2refresh-solaris-client is created at the current location.
- Navigate to the directory ids510fp2refresh-solaris-client.
- Enter the following command:
pkginfo -d 'pwd'/ldap.client_rted.pkg
A list of installable software is displayed, such as:
application IBMldapc
IBM Directory Client
- Enter the following command to begin installing:
pkgadd -d 'pwd'/ldap.client_rted.pkg
- Respond to other prompts, as appropriate.
When installation is complete, a message similar to the following appears:
Installation of <IBMldapc> was successful.
To install IBM GSKit on Solaris—console mode
- Perform Step 1 through Step 5.
- Enter the following command:
uncompress gsk6bas.tar.Z
- Enter the following command:
tar -xvf gsk6bas.tar
- Enter the following command:
pkginfo -d 'pwd'
A list of installable software is displayed, such as:
application gsk6bas
Certificate and SSL Base Runtime (gsk6bas)
- Enter the following command to begin installing:
pkgadd -d 'pwd'
Installing with Unattended Mode (Noninteractive) on Solaris
Use the procedure below to install the IBM LDAP Client and GSKit on Solaris platforms using the unattended mode. To install IBM LDAP Client and GSKit on Solaris—unattended mode
- Perform Step 1 through Step 5.
- To add the IBM LDAP Client, enter the following command:
pkgadd -d 'pwd' /ldap.client_rted.pkg -r IBMldapc_response -a 'pwd'/adminfile -n IBMldapc
- To add GSKit, enter the following command:
pkgadd -d 'pwd' -r gsk6bas_response -a 'pwd'/adminfile -n gsk6bas
The files IBMldapc_response, gsk6bas_response, and adminfile are located in the directory ids510fp2refresh-solaris-client.
Verifying Installation on Solaris
Use the procedure below to verify that IBM LDAP Client and GSKit were successfully installed. To verify installation on Solaris
- Use pkginfo to see if software is installed on the machine. Enter the following commands:
pkginfo|grep IBMldapc
pkginfo|grep gsk6bas
- Verify that the directories /opt/IBMldapc and /opt/ibm/gsk6 exist.
- Verify that the file exists under /opt/IBMldapc/lib.
- Verify that the file exists under /opt/ibm/gsk6/lib.
- Verify that symbolic links to and exist under /usr/lib.
Uninstalling on Solaris
If you have installed IBM LDAP Client and GSKit, use the procedure below to uninstall these components. To uninstall the IBM LDAP Client and GSKit on Solaris
- Login as root.
- Enter the following commands:
pkgrm IBMldapc
pkgrm gsk6bas