Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications > Security Adapter Authentication > Installing LDAP Client Software >
Installing the IBM LDAP Client and GSKit on AIX
This section describes different methods of installing the IBM LDAP Client and GSKit on AIX platforms. Installing with Console Mode (Interactive) on AIX
Use the procedures below to install the IBM LDAP Client and GSKit on AIX platforms using the interactive console mode. Separate procedures are provided for installing IBM LDAP Client and IBM GSKit. To install IBM LDAP Client on AIX—console mode
- Log in as root.
- Insert the DVD Siebel eBusiness Applications, Base Applications for AIX. Then navigate from the DVD root directory to the folder AIX\Server_Ancillary\ibmldap51.
- Copy the file ids510fp2refresh-aix-client-us.tar to an empty directory that has at least 50 MB of available space.
- Enter the following command:
tar -xvf ids510fp2refresh-aix-client-us.tar
The directory ids510fp2refresh-aix-client is created at the current location.
- Navigate to the directory ids510fp2refresh-aix-client.
- Enter the following command:
installp -ld 'pwd' | grep ldap
A list of installable software is displayed, such as:
ldap.client.adt I N usr
ldap.client.rte I N usr,root
ldap.max_crypto_client.adt I N usr
ldap.max_crypto_client.rte I N usr
- Install the required packages. Enter the following command:
installp -acgXd 'pwd' ldap.*
- Verify that the Result column shows success for all loaded files. You can also verify that IBM Directory Server was installed successfully by typing the following at a command prompt:
lslpp -L | grep ldap
The output displayed lists all the filesets starting with ldap. This includes the client, html, and message filesets. For example:
ldap.client.adt C F IBM Directory SDK
ldap.client.rte C F IBM Directory Client Runtime
To install IBM GSKit on AIX—console mode
- Perform Step 1 through Step 5.
- Enter the following command:
installp -ld 'pwd'/gskak.rte
A list all of the installable IBM GSK packages is displayed.
gskak.rte I N usr
# AIX Certificate and SSL Base Runtime ACME Toolkit
- At the command prompt, install the required packages with the following command:
installp -acgXd 'pwd'/gskak.rte gskak.rte
-a stands for apply
-c stands for commit
-g installs prerequisites if necessary
-X increases the file system space if needed
-d stands for device
- When installation is complete, the system generates an installation summary. Verify that the Result column shows success for all loaded files. You can also verify that IBM LDAP Client was installed successfully by typing the following at a command prompt:
lslpp -L | grep gsk
The output lists all the filesets starting with gsk. For example:
gskak.rte C F AIX Certificate and SSL Base
Installing with Unattended Mode (Noninteractive) on AIX
Use the procedure below to install the IBM LDAP Client and GSKit on AIX platforms using the unattended mode. To install IBM LDAP Client and GSKit on AIX—unattended mode
- Perform Step 1 through Step 5.
- Enter the following command:
installp -acgXd 'pwd' ldap.*
This will install both IBM LDAP Client and GSKit (because LDAP Client is a prerequisite of the GSKit). Verifying Installation on AIX
Use the procedure below to verify that IBM LDAP Client and GSKit were successfully installed. To verify installation on AIX
- Use lslpp to see if software is installed on the machine. Enter the following commands:
lslpp -L|grep ldap
lslpp -L|grep gsk
- Verify that /usr/ldap and /usr/opt/ibm/gskak exist.
- Verify that libibmldap.a exists under /usr/ldap/lib.
- Verify that exists under /usr/opt/ibm/gskak/lib.
- Verify that symbolic links to libibmldap.a and exist under /usr/lib.
Uninstalling on AIX
If you have installed IBM LDAP Client and GSKit, use the procedure below to uninstall these components. To uninstall the IBM LDAP Client and GSKit on AIX
- Login as root.
- Enter the following commands:
installp -u ldap.*
installp -u gskak.rte
Troubleshooting IBM LDAP Client Installation on AIX
When installing the IBM LDAP Client on AIX, the following error messages may appear: mkdir: 0653-358 Cannot create /home/ldap.
/home/ldap: The file system has read permission only.
chgrp: /home/ldap: A file or directory in the path name does not exist.
chown: /home/ldap: A file or directory in the path name does not exist.
cp: /home/ldap/.profile: A file or directory in the path name does not exist.
chmod: /home/ldap/.profile: A file or directory in the path name does not exist.
chgrp: /home/ldap/.profile: A file or directory in the path name does not exist.
chown: /home/ldap/.profile: A file or directory in the path name does not exist.
3004-721 Could not create user.
3004-703 Check "/usr/lib/security/mkuser.sys" file.
instal: Failed while executing the ldap.client.rte.pre_i script.
Solution: A user named ldap is created automatically during installation if this user does not already exist. Sometimes installation may fail because the ldap user cannot be created successfully. In such case, manually create the ldap user before installing the IBM LDAP Client.