Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications > Security Adapter Authentication > Installing LDAP Client Software >
Installing the IBM LDAP Client and GSKit on HP-UX
This section describes different methods of installing the IBM LDAP Client and GSKit on HP-UX platforms. Installing with GUI Mode on HP-UX
Use the procedure below to install the IBM LDAP Client and GSKit on HP-UX platforms using the GUI mode. To install IBM LDAP Client on HP-UX—GUI mode
- Login as root.
- If you have logged into the HP-UX machine remotely, set the DISPLAY environment variable appropriately for your session, so that the SD install GUI displays on your local desktop.
- Insert the DVD Siebel eBusiness Applications, Base Applications for HP-UX. Then navigate from the DVD root directory to the folder HPUX\Server_Ancillary\ibmldap51.
- Copy ids510fp2refresh-hpux-client-us.tar to an empty directory that has at least 50 MB of available space.
- Enter the following command:
tar -xvf ids510fp2refresh-hpux-client-us.tar
- Navigate to the directory ids510fp2refresh-hpux-client.
- Enter the following command:
swlist -s 'pwd'/hpux11_ibmldap51clients.depot
A list of software available in the .depot file is displayed, similar to the following:
LDAPClient IBM Directory 5.1 Client (SSL)
- Enter the following command:
swinstall -s 'pwd'/ hpux11_ibmldap51clients.depot
The SD install GUI is displayed.
- Select LDAPClient.
- Select Actions -> Mark For Install.
- Select Actions -> Install....
Analysis is complete when the status field reads Ready.
- Click OK.
- Click Yes to begin installation.
Installation is complete when the status field reads Completed.
- Click Done.
- Exit the SD install GUI.
- Create symbolic links for the LDAP Client libraries.
NOTE: The IBM LDAP Client installer on HP-UX does not set symbolic links for the LDAP Client libraries in the directory /usr/lib. If these symbolic links are not set, then the Siebel LDAP security adapter cannot be loaded.
To set symbolic links for LDAP client libraries in /usr/lib, run the script setlinkforibmldaplib.csh, located in the directory ids510fp2refresh-hpux-client. Because this script is written in the C shell, make sure that /bin/csh exists. First change the script to be executable using the command chmod +x setlinkforibmldaplib.csh, then run it.
To install IBM GSKit on HP-UX—GUI mode
- Perform Step 1 through Step 6.
- Enter the following command:
uncompress gsk6bas.tar.Z
- Enter the following command:
tar -xvf gsk6bas.tar
- Navigate to the directory gsk6bas.
- Enter the following command:
swlist -s `pwd`
A list of available software is displayed, similar to the following:
gsk6bas IBM gsk6 RUNTIME KIT
- Enter the following command:
swinstall -s 'pwd'
The SD install GUI is displayed.
- Select gsk6bas.
- Select Actions -> Mark For Install.
- Select Actions -> Install....
Analysis is complete when the status field reads Ready.
- Click OK.
- Click Yes to begin installation.
Installation is complete when the status field reads Completed.
- Click Done.
- Exit the SD install GUI.
- Manually create symbolic links in /usr/lib for every library in /usr/IBMldap/lib.
Installing with Unattended Mode (Noninteractive) on HP-UX
Use the procedures below to install the IBM LDAP Client and GSKit on HP-UX platforms using the unattended mode. Separate procedures are provided for installing IBM LDAP Client and IBM GSKit. To install IBM LDAP Client on HP-UX—unattended mode
- Perform Step 1 through Step 6.
- Enter the following command:
swinstall -s 'pwd'/hpux11_ibmldap51clients.depot LDAPClient
- Create symbolic links for the LDAP Client libraries.
NOTE: The IBM LDAP Client installer on HP-UX does not set symbolic links for the LDAP Client libraries in the directory /usr/lib. If these symbolic links are not set, then the Siebel LDAP security adapter cannot be loaded.
To set symbolic links for LDAP client libraries in /usr/lib, run the script setlinkforibmldaplib.csh, located in the directory ids510fp2refresh-hpux-client. Because this script is written in the C shell, make sure that /bin/csh exists. First change the script to be executable using the command chmod +x setlinkforibmldaplib.csh, then run it.
To install IBM GSKit on HP-UX—unattended mode
- Perform Step 1 through Step 6.
- Enter the following command:
swinstall -s 'pwd' gsk6bas
Verifying Installation on HP-UX
Use the procedure below to verify that IBM LDAP Client and GSKit were successfully installed. To verify installation on HP-UX
- Use swlist to see if software is installed on the machine. Enter the following commands:
swlist | grep LDAPClient
swlist | grep gsk6bas
- Verify that /usr/IBMldap and /opt/ibm/gsk6 exist.
- Verify that exists under /usr/IBMldap.
- Verify that exists under /opt/ibm/gsk6/lib.
- Verify that symbolic links to and exist under /usr/lib.
Uninstalling on HP-UX
If you have installed IBM LDAP Client and GSKit, use the procedure below to uninstall these components. To uninstall on HP-UX
- Login as root.
- If you have logged into the HP-UX machine remotely, set the DISPLAY environment variable appropriately for your session, so that the SD Remove window displays on your local desktop.
- Enter the following command:
The SD Remove window is displayed.
- Select LDAPClient and gsk6bas to be removed.
- Select Remove....
To uninstall on HP-UX—unattended mode
- Perform Step 1 through Step 2.
- To remove LDAPClient, enter the following command:
swremove LDAPClient
- To remove GSKit, enter the following command:
swremove gsk6bas