Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX: Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools > Guidelines for Configuring the RDBMS > Creating DB2 UDB Database Objects >

Creating DB2 UDB Tablespaces

The Siebel Database Server installation process specifies the tablespaces in which to store your Siebel tables and indexes.

A Siebel DB2 database requires at least four tablespaces using database-managed space (DMS). Each tablespace can have one or more tablespace containers to store the data. You should create a minimum of four DB2 tablespaces to hold your tables and indexes—a 4-KB, a 16 KB, and a 32-KB tablespace, for your various sized tables, and an additional tablespace to hold your indexes. The tablespaces must be created as database-managed space.

Use a small, nonproduction environment for testing purposes.

Observe the following guidelines when creating tablespaces:

  • Create at least four DB2 tablespaces for tables of various sizes as shown in Table 10. Using the default tablespace names is recommended.
Table 10.  DB2 Tablespace Values for Both Non-Unicode and Unicode-Enabled Databases
DB2 Tablespace Name
Bufferpool Name
Recommended Value

Non-Unicode-Enabled Database



2 GB

Tablespace name for tables with row sizes of at most 4005 bytes.



300 MB

Tablespace name for tables with row sizes from 4006 bytes through 16,293 bytes.



100 MB

Tablespace name for tables with row sizes greater than 16,293 bytes.

Unicode-Enabled Database



3 GB

Tablespace name for tables with row sizes of at most 4005 bytes.



700 MB

Tablespace name for tables with row sizes from 4006 bytes through 16,293 bytes.



100 MB

Tablespace name for tables with row sizes greater than 16,293 bytes.

  • Create additional tablespaces as required for individual tables, such as S_DOCK_TXN_LOG. If you expect to have large, heavily used tables, put these in their own tablespace.
  • Create at least a 4-KB, 16-KB, and 32-KB temporary tablespace to use for sorting and other SQL processing as described in the following sections. If you do not create them, your database will experience serious performance and stability problems. Use system-managed space (SMS) for all temporary tablespaces. These temporary tablespaces should also be expandable to 2 GB for storage purposes.
  • If you intend to use the DB2 Load utility to populate EIM tables, this method makes the tablespace in which the EIM table resides unavailable for the duration of the load. Placing the EIM tables in one or more separate tablespaces allows concurrent activity on the database while the load utility is running.

    Be sure to record the tablespace names on the Deployment Planning Worksheet.

  • To override default storage parameters, such as the tablespace definitions, see Overriding Default DB2 UDB Storage Parameters.
Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX: Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools