Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows: Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools > Demo Users in the Siebel Sample Database > Demo Users for Siebel Industry Applications >

Demo Users for Siebel Financial Services: Healthcare

Table 33 lists the demo users for Siebel Financial Services: Healthcare.

Table 33.  Demo Users for Siebel Financial Services: Healthcare
Username / Password
Name / Title
Primary Responsibility


Louise Andrews / Call Center Agent

Healthcare Call Center

HC Agent - Call Center

Andrews works for health plan; handles member and provider service calls.


Tom Watson / Group Sales Rep

Healthcare Sales

HC Sales Rep - Group

Watson works for health plan; collaborates with agents and brokers on group sales.


Wendy Wu / Health Insurance Broker

Agent Portal

HC Broker

Wu works for a partner organization (insurance agency or brokerage).


Jerry Judd / Accountant

Customer Portal and Enrollment Portal

Web Corporate User

Judd is a health plan member.


Sheila Reed / Benefits Administrator

Group Portal

HC Administrator - Employer Group

Reed works for an employer group or TPA (Third-party administrator).


Bob Grant / Visit Coordinator

Provider Portal

HC Doctor Assistant - Provider Portal

Grant works at a physicians office or clinic.


Fred Miller / Vice President, Marketing


FIN Analyst - Marketing

Miller uses Siebel Marketing and Siebel Analytics to evaluate important business drivers and to determine what marketing campaigns need to be created and executed.

Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows: Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools